[GB] DSA Scientific (closed)

Since people seem to like “color matching”, here’s a quick snapshot with a 18% gray card (no processing done outside of a quick color correction).

Sorry for the CTRL, I know it’s not a “““custom””” for some people, but it was the nearest and quickest to dress up with these caps and I’m a bit busy right now.

And sorry for the dust, the CTRL is normally on my raspberry pi to control a CNC, and I’m making wood SA caps (“SA Oak”) these days… thus, dust.

And I’m also including a low depth of field for those maniacs who are in love with ridiculous amounts of blur.

(hope the images are OK, first time I attach photos to a discourse)


@SargentRedbeard Yes. Very soon.

@semond Awesome! Thanks for the quality pictures.


Great to hear! I really don’t care for DSA but the TI color scheme has a special place in my heart lol

I applaud your use of a gray card.

My dude don’t worry about your keyboard. It’s a keyboard and this is a keyboard forum and I think most people here are just happy to see keyboards (unless it’s a rubber dome maybe). The high quality pics and color check are awesome. Do you worry about getting wood in the switches?

Oh I guess that board is hot swap, maybe it’s not as important, easier to clean and replace the switches than otherwise

Not really, it’s easier to dust with a low profile, and those are box white, so it more dust proof than most switches.

Sadly I just destroyed a dz60rgb at work with static, so I’ll have to swap things around a bit. Probably get out an old roamer-g for the cnc, bring my other 60 at work, and put the CTRL on my main computer at home.

I electrocuted a lot of peripherals in my life. First time I kill one.

Oh dang, yeah, that’s actually probably one of the better keyboards to have there then.

Unfortunately there are a lot of keyboards floating around out there with ESD protection that is very poor to non-existent, it’s something that definitely makes me sad, because if you know what you need to do it is very easy to protect against.