To celebrate the launch of Keebswap, I’m giving away a brand new Anne Pro 2!
Giveaway details and link to enter: Giveaway link
To celebrate the launch of Keebswap, I’m giving away a brand new Anne Pro 2!
Giveaway details and link to enter: Giveaway link
Previous suggestion:
Just my opinion - but requiring to post a sale to enter the giveaway seems a bit limiting. I worry you won’t get as many entries that way. Not everyone has something to sell if they want to enter (like me, I have very few items. I need to buy! lol)
I suspect that could reduce the entries you get. As a suggestion, you might get more entries if it were based on sharing. You might get more word of mouth advertising that way, and more entries for your giveaway. And the more eyes you get the better chance you get some new listings anyway.
You could still keep the item of posting a sale as more bonus entries, but maybe not restricted to it?
EDIT: I see that you’re limiting it to 50 entries. I missed that. Nevermind. All the best with the giveaway!
I thought of that and have done it like that in the past, however people will sign up to enter the giveaway and that’s it and never list an item or use the site lol. Honestly, I would do the same. I wanted give people the chance to list an item and get a feel for the site and revisit the site. I’m just seeing where this goes and I’ll readjust the giveaway if I need to. Tbh I’d probably just give the keyboard away for nothing but I figured I’d try to get some mileage out of it.
Yes. Makes sense. I didn’t get that at first. I was blinded by free things!
Giveaway rules have changed so make sure to check them out!
Giveaway closes in 3 days, make sure to get in your entries!