Highly tactile switches with bump further away from the top?

Hmm, this actually a tough question to answer. I just pulled out my switch tester & pretty much all MX tactile switches have the bump starting very close to the top of the keypress. I don’t have all of the MX tactile switches out there, but I do have a decent selection including V2 Zealios & BOX Royals to compare the others too. From messing around with them real quick the three that standout to me that kinda meet your requirements are Holy Pandas & their variants, Outemu Sky with the v. 2.2 stems, & V1 Zealios. All of them have a tiny bit of travel before the tactile bump starts & are very tactile (sans the V1 Zealios, I guess they would be considered a more mild tactility nowadays). Mind you it’s not very much much travel before the bump, but noticeable vs V2s & Royals.

Have you tried any tactile SKCM ALPS switches? They have a completely different type of feel compared to MX tactile switches, but may fit what you’re looking for better than MX. To me tactile ALPS feel to have the bump closer to the end of the keypress, but because of how they generate tactility with two leaves sandwiching the stem the tactile event is much more integrated with the keypress IMO. It’s hard to explain, but tactile ALPS have a smoother tactility that makes a keypress feel like just one event. Unlike tactile MX switches which to me feel like a two event keypress. As in you feel the weighting increase up to the bump then it falls off pretty dramatically afterwards with most of them. Whereas with tactile ALPS the weighting ramps up smoothly through the whole key press & doesn’t fall off nearly as much afterwards, also there is much less travel left after the tactile event with them.