JetVan is a minivan case compatible pcb the supports a single layout. The pcb requires soldering the switches.
All smd components are pre soldered. The pcb has 10 rgb leds for underglow. The price will be ~$40 + shipping ($4 USA, $20 INT).
The production run will be black with white silkscreen.
The name JetVan comes from this layout originally being proposed by Jetpacktuxedo.
Oh, cool, @evangs hasn’t completely stopped building minivan-esk things!
Count me in! Split space seems nothing I need (all my MiniVans are configured to SpaceFn for the left spacebar and pure Space on the right spacebar), so getting a MiniVan PCB with a default-size spacebar is very tempting.
How much will international shipping increase if I take two or three PCBs? Or will it even stay the same?
Does the board have an USB-C connector like the most recent MiniVan PCBs?
Is there a hotswap variant possible? If so, I’d prefer it. (Would nevertheless also take a non-hotswap variant in case there won’t be a hotswap variant.)
How much will international shipping increase if I take two or three PCBs? Or will it even stay the same? No increase until 10 pcbs
Does the board has an USB-C connector like the most recent MiniVan PCBs? Yes
Is there a hotswap variant possible? If so, I’d prefer it. (Would nevertheless also take a non-hotswap variant in case there won’t be a hotswap variant.) No (no plans to add it either)