This is an enormous, comprehensive, enthusiast-oriented set that aims to at least offer the potential to cover pretty much everything you can think of.
Whether any or all of its numerous, niche kits get made is up to the public. If you’ve been dying for obscure stuff like ergo, macro columns, Colevrak, monolegends, etc. this is your chance to speak up and say so.
I know many of these kits won’t get made, but I’m hoping that some of them will, and that those are the ones you really want to see happen. I miss the heady days of the 2010s, when Symbiosis offered 20(!) different kits. We don’t get to see anything like that these days. Hopefully if this succeeds, it will make a statement that some of that is still viable, at least periodically, if not in every single release.
Thank you! This was really kind of an accident that I just liked and wanted to push ahead with right away, before someone else did something similar.
I am making one change already, based on early feedback. I’m going to expand the monolegend kit to full alphas, and then add a few keys to the 40s and ergo kits, so 40s and ergo users can just buy mono + ergo or 40s and not need a full base.
Me too! I don’t use it myself, but I think it’s neat. Plus the new owner of Signature Plastics is a Boardwalk or Promenade user (I forget which), and they’ve been letting ergo sets run lately. Grand Budapest R2 has one, and I got to make one for SMRT.
In this case, it was also a way I could incorporate all the old-timey fun legends I wanted to use in this set. If Violets does happen, and I get a copy of all the kits, I might wind up using a bunch of the ergo keys on my other boards, just so I can have those legends on there.
Our own Deadeye made the perfect stylized violet symbol to pair with 7bit’s old lotus flower, and now we have a novelty kit that teams them up so you can choose old-school, new-school, or a mix.
Another day, another new potential kit. I got permission from Potatowire to use his VimCaps molds, so I’ve updated the feedback form with the kit for it. Includes an alternate G with the L cadet legend, so you don’t wind up with duplicate up arrows. As always, you can modify your previous feedback answers if you’re interested in the new kit too.
Back in the bad old days I got a few SP grab bag kits and was lucky enough to get a few “Text Novelty” caps like “Magic”, “Turbo” and “Fire”. Do you know if those molds still exist over at SP and available to use? I think they were part of the 7Bit runs but I’m not sure about that. Would be fun to add as R1 1U Text novs or R4 1.25U, 1U caps, maybe?
They still exist, and the text novelties are available to use, even if some of 7bit’s picture novelties aren’t (like the duck and running man keys). SP has a huge library; I think Will mentioned 400k legends stored for their various profiles?
I used some of those old weird ones in the History of Violets ergo kit, though I’m not sure it’ll wind up getting made due to low feedback support.
I’m wary of putting them into the base even though I’d love to. People have just been very vocal about hating any non-standard legends in all of my previous projects. 40s and ergo users seem more open to text novelties.
Seconding Rob here! I generally don’t go for purple caps or SA, but definitely considering this set. Really loving all of the choices you’re making here!
Just a poke here to let folks know that after the holidays, I’m going to try to move forward on this, so these are the last couple weeks to fill out the IC form.
I’m hoping to gather as many responses as possible for an SA set in 2025 to be able to convince vendors something like this is still feasible. So every little bit of support counts!