KeebTalk D&D 5e Group

Bumperio if anyone wants to join.

Planning on doing a one shot sometime on the 28th of this month!

Discord link: Discord

There will be future sessions too if you can’t make this one but one to join in on another one shot mini dungeon/adventure :slight_smile:


Since we have a lot more people in Keebtalk now, might as well do another bump in case some people want to potentially hop into a future weekend session.


Oh man, it’s been something like 25 years since I’ve played D&D. I’m not even sure I remember all the rules!

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That was where I got my start too. When I was a teenager the manuals were EXPENSIVE. Actually, I’m in my 40s now and they still seem expensive.

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I’ve been learning through playing with my wife’s group, but I really need to find a good D&D video series, as my dyslexia makes reading manuals like that a miserable experience… The irony of typing that on a forum is a bit thick, so here goes the necessary unnecessary explanation. Books tend to have a lot of free flowing text, that doesn’t have defined spaces, which exacerbates my dyslexia. If there is some form of grid system or color definition between sections, and larger fonts, it does help to a degree, but will eventually result in text becoming blurry, which will result in a mild to serve headache if I continue reading, probably due to my eyes, trying to focus on the text.

This is one of the better examples of what happens after reading for an extended period of time:

This also happens with forums, and computerized text, but there are tools in the digital world, such as text to speech (Still in it’s infancy, if you ask me.) and the ability to change how the text is displayed, but they only go so far and I still have to step away, from time to time.

For groups I DM, we’re always willing to take on new players, or players returning to the game :slight_smile:

I like to think I do an alright job at teaching D&D hehe.

So if you’re new or old to D&D, I definitely don’t mind helping you get up to speed.

Have you tried these character sheets? They are color coded and use a special font that is supposed to help make it easier to read…

Also, it isn’t really a video guide but I learned to play by watching the Dungeon Dudes on YouTube.

They have some good video breakdowns of rules, races, classes, etc.

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We primarily play through roll 20, but I’ll have to check them out when I get home. They might come in handy for inspersion games. :slight_smile:


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It can be helpful to have a printed out copy of your character sheet in front of you even for roll20 games, I used to do that when I played online a lot

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If anyone is interested in playing, or learning, we’ll be doing a session 0 Sunday the 27th at 10:00AM PT.

Discord Link: Discord