Looks like NK87 is happening

Tbh I’m just considering it because of F13


Ha! Same. I don’t even own that keycap. I’m in.


The e-yellow would make a pretty swag yolch board :thinking:


Very tempting, still using plate mount stabs & that funky top/tray mount is a disappointment though. I’ll probably pass since I managed to snag a Devastating TKL from Cannon Keys, but definitely a nice HS TKL option for a nice price here!

NovelKote, how cute.

Looking forward to this board and how NK plans on continuing to shake up the beginner ecosystem!


Liking the yellow and purple colours. I’ve really enjoyed their NK65 - nice to see them add another form factor!

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Hmm. Very thinkworthy indeed.

Site is up:

$265 across the board for all colors


Solid looking board. Nice that NK has so many great options. I get that some people don’t want to build, but NovelKeys boards are basically like Lego kits. I don’t really see why you would not go with an option like this… :clap:


Thock Absorbers

NovelKeys is on a roll and having fun doing it. Ya love to see it.

F13 would be a perfect place for the MT3 novelty “ANY KEY”


I’m in for that solar yellow finish, i’m very excited to slap GMK Gregory on it

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It is lovely to see a vendor consistently offer a beige option.


I appreciate NovelKeys setting expectations on quality with their Acceptable Quality Standards. But if I received the yellow keyboards pictured in the document I would be pretty disappointed.

(The Acceptable Quality document of the NK65 was way more acceptable to me)


Oof! At least two of those three photos appear to be either the bottom or the inside. Still…

Mike confirmed in a few comments that it supports PCB-mount stabs but ships with plate-mount ones because those are easier to factory-install (since the board arrives assembled). So, at least that’s not a problem?

Not sure how I feel about the mount, and I don’t really dig the 8º angle, but dang that purple ceramic coating is great :eyes:

Might be a good replacement for my tester board, at least


Oh cool, I did not know that. That’s a fair middle ground I think, ships with plate mount but PCB has has holes for PCB mount stabs. That actually makes it a bit more tempting, cause I agree some of those colors are lovely. That beige really catches my eye!

oh dang yeah I think that’s a dealbreaker for me

Well, the plate/PCB is pretty tight on my NK65, which makes it hard to remove some switches without aggressively prying them; and for that reason, I treat it more like a soldered board than a hotswap one. Not sure if my keyboard is representative, but if this 87 has a similarly tight tolerance, then it may not be a painless experience to use as a tester board.


Yeah it’s a detail that is consistent between it and the NK65 (as most details of this are) but it’s… not an ideal angle for me. Would prefer a 6º (or even less) angle but I know 8º is pretty popular these days so I can’t really fault them for it. At least it’s not 10º+

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Hmm, interesting. That’s good to know! Thanks!

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