Hi all,
Thought I’d share what I found. I’ve been super interested in this board and it looks like its going to have some sort of announcement on 2-22 on Originative.co. Keep your eyes peeled!
Hi all,
Thought I’d share what I found. I’ve been super interested in this board and it looks like its going to have some sort of announcement on 2-22 on Originative.co. Keep your eyes peeled!
Also an aluminum masterkeys case (designed by Norbauer!)
And deep space on the 8th!
Man Bento, Jamon, Deep Space, and U80 in the same month…what the hell…
The more things change… the more things stay the same. And I was supposed to be gearing down my buying this year…
My wallet is quivering.
Preview: https://rama.works/tkl-a/
Looks like Rama just made the official preview announcement on their instagram!
Originative seems to have taken down the post to their news section that indicated we’d be getting some kind of update today, but I’m still
Yeah I noticed that too. Hope we hear something relatively soon!
Q2 2019
So… between April and June. Looks like RAMA took the design back. Oco let TypeMachina domain expire.
Rama just announced that it will be April on their instagram page!
Coming with new plate mounting & dampening solution.
Yeah, saw this on their IG/Twitter and it’s exciting! I think it’s neat that they’re coming up with simpler/integrated sound dampening approaches, wonder how this will affect plate flex.
Yeah I’m excited about the dampener as well! Hopefully they announce the whole thing soon. It’s been so long.
I just wish there was more lead time from the reveal to GB. This year has been draining on the old wallet so far (not including GMK Mizu and SA Leviathan in the coming month), and it would be nice to have some time to save up.
Looking forward to the GB. April is ending soon though.
it has literally been more than a year from the reveal - time to change the saving strategy
You’re mistaken, that was a teaser…big difference. We could be waiting years from a teaser to a proper product. Saving and spending in this hobby is about knowing when products will release and deciding what is worth your money in that timeframe. I have a cap on savings for this stuff, and I can only make a decision if I have the release information to work with. If I sat on my savings for a year or two for a project that never came to fruition, look at what I would pass up in the meantime. It’s a balancing act.
Seems like based on their most recent post, Rama is going to make the full debut in May.
Oh, I want to know the price of it.
Most likely either $360 or $400 USD, are my guesses for the base price (+$40 for MILK).