The T1/Fake Tealio/Koalas, I guess Ride Never Ends

While @Lesbian is not wrong & made me crack up with her response, Cherry is the king of OEM mechanical keyboards switches. Giving them the least reason to innovate or change out of all switch manufacturers. In fact I fully believe Cherry could care less about our community since they see low sales volume from us due much improved clones being introduced.


“Whaddya mean we don’t care about your community? We gave you overpriced switch packs in fancy containers!”


LOL, you on fire today!


And now people are running an IC for it and I’m really curious about the quality and construction now.

I want to buy them for science.

But why? Aren’t they the same as the koalas? Two competing buys for the same switches in different colors? Reddit is really somethin

Different housing materials. Nylon housing on the Koalas vs poly-whatever-olene housing on the T1s

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Oh I didn’t realize they were different

Yeah, they’re different weights, springs, housing materials (I also just like transparent housings since RGB).

Just popped up

I was planning to stay away from Durock entirely.

Dunno if I can do that anymore.

They do look awesome, right? I have the pink Gateron linears from their first round. Nothing to write home about in terms of feels. But if you like pink, they’re the bee’s knees.

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Just remembering how the keeb community was around 9 years ago when I bought my first mechanical keyboard:

  • Only switch Cherry offerings, black brown and blue.
  • Red switches were only available for the asian market, had to use brown springs with black stems and housings (the good old ‘getho reds’).
  • People were mostly only tuning existing market keyboard like filcos.
  • Near to zero keycaps offerings.

And now:

  • Several switches manufacturers, insane amount of choice.
  • More and more people able to design and manufacture keyboard of insane quality.
  • Keycaps offering GB all over the place, new profiles, and look at the amount of GMK group buys!
  • Big tech youtubers are beginning to make videos on these pricey and gorgeous customs.

Our hobby and community has matured into an emerging industry that looks to be more profitable everyday to more people, with any deviance money can bring with company wars for market dominance.
I guess that is part of our success and hope that it will not be the norm.

As for Gateron/KbdFans/Durock situation we’ll never know the insider details, at least the first 2 will never want you to give us them :wink:
I found that T1 designer had a lot of nerve just exposing the situation with it’s words, with potential backlash if proven wrong.

Maybe give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being, there is always a way to boycott it’s offering later on if he lied.
I may buy it’s switches … if they are any good, but given Pandas, Zeal offering, and future InputClub Silo switches it will be unlikely :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks like Zambumon caught the Durock bug, too. The ride truly never ends.

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Whether you believe durock were the masterminds behind stealios or that they were the victims of a smear campaign from gateron, they’re here to stay now.

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It truly seems to be that way.

Yeah, they got a crazy selection of switches already & are definitely the most eager switch company to work with the community. So I don’t see them going anywhere anytime soon either. Also with the whole Stealios thing I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle TBH. We know there were definitely some fake Tealios & Zealios that came out of KBDfans. So if I were to venture a guess, they probably were made at Durock, but on a third shift type deal where only a few individuals were completely aware of what they were doing. Then when shit hit the fan Gateron of course is gonna lie all the blame on Durock without looking into it further, it hurts their competitor that much more.

I still haven’t tried any of Durock switches, but I can’t say I’ve heard much bad about them. Everyone that got them seems to be happy with the new T1s, Koalas, & Alpacas. I might be just tempted enough to give these Seriko switches a shot. I’m a born & bred Yinzer so I have a soft spot for anything black & gold/yellow.

@Zambumon why are you still boycotting MiniVan with your 40s kits. You support durock with all the drama of ip theft they have had. You support Drop who sells chinese clone sets. I don’t understand why MiniVan is singled out.


Hard agree. I’m probably not gonna buy any of their stuff myself, and if anybody is running a GB being cagey about who is producing a switch I think it’s worth asking them to find out if it’s Durock so everybody can interpret that as they see fit, but I more see it as a funny thing that keeps happening than anything I care to fight about.

Didn’t intend to rile anybody up by posting this, it’s just the thread I see as documenting the continuing ride we’re all on with this one.


Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, I had no issues with your post & kinds feel the same sentiment on it myself. Also @evangs has a honestly good point in his post IMO. I was just agreeing with @Laughmaster with them probably not going away anytime soon & expanding on some points as to why I think that is. I’m still very on the anti Durock side as it stands, but I am also a believer of giving second chances. So if they keep their nose clean, produce high quality switches, & keep working so well with the community. I’d be willing to give their switches a try. Plus like I said before I’m a sucker for black & gold/yellow colorways, LOL!


I’ll go on record and say I wasn’t a big fan of the Van, but the people singling you out and not adding support for your boards is ridiculous.