The T1/Fake Tealio/Koalas, I guess Ride Never Ends

Damn am I glad that I was broke when Marshmallows came around.

Never again will we get cheap linears that are good and not made by Gateron.


Yeah I think I’m just going to stick with tealios for the near future.

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Ah, Mr. Theremin Goat, who has a mind-bending Switch collection! If you want to see it, or at least a major part of it, come to an Ohio area meetup. He is an amazing resource for information on weird and obscure switches for sure.


You said the Columbus meet up is coming up soon right? Our work season starts back up in March, but come hell or high water I’m gonna try to be there. Been too long since I’ve been able to make a meet up & I’m not letting work get in the way this time around!