What's next Ryan?

High price and high quality are a hallmark of most of Ryan’s designs. It’s a niche market, but there are many of us loyal fans who like to indulge him :slight_smile:


It’s a slab of wood. Seems to not have anything that could add complexity to manufacturing either.

I understand helping Ryan, but I don’t believe there is anything luxurious about it in theory.

I don’t have any tools or much knowledge in woodworking. I also don’t know of anyone else offering a Norbaforce specific riser who is willing to get measurments and mill a nice chunk of walnut with the finish standards of premium jewelry for less money. If I did, I would probably buy one. Also, I own many wooden keyboards/wrist wrests, I’m well aware that wood products from different makers are vastly different in quality. I trust Ryan, and if the piece doesn’t work out, or fails in the long run, he will make it right.


Like @pixelpusher I also like to indulge Ryan. I take the keyboard world as a hobby, and this is an entirely new corner of the hobby that can be a fun experiment. Not all experiments need a point, some can just be done because the goal, process and result are all unknown. :wink: I fully understand how from a functional point of view, it’s useless.

That said, raising the front height might enable using a wrist rest more ergonomically, and that on its own might be an extra fun part of this.

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I understand the functionality of an angle riser. I just find the price to be ludicrous.

Any word on the dome weight to be used in the Seneca? :eyes: