A really unique kit at good prices. The only downside is the manufacturer: Keyreative. But still, this is one of the most unique sets in quite some time.
Also thought this new animation was slick:
I really like the redesign of their website. Looks cleaner and much easier to use/find info
I’ve seen some photos of milkshake that look great and some where they’re all crooked. Does anyone have a set that can chime in on the quality of keyreative?
The redesign of their website was done by the designer of DSA Magic Girl and it turned out really well! Love this whole set, even if the profile isn’t my jam.
Of 500 Drifter orders I had 0 complaints about legends. Plus, TKC now has a man on the ground in China to oversee quality control. Rest assured the set will be top notch.
I recently built a planck with DSA milkshake and once they are on the switch i noticed with a little pressure you can change the angle at which the cap sits on the stem. I noticed a lot of caps were crooked at first but I was able to straighten them out. I guess with time maybe they can get crooked again?