[GB] DSA Paperwork - A 40% keycap set

Hello Keebtalkers,

I just launched the group buy for DSA Paperwork. More info can be found here Trashman.club

The kit is designed to cover pretty much any 40% out there. The Group buy is running until January 10th and is $100.

I have designed a custom icon mod pack for the set and after paperwork those icons will be available for use by anyone in both DSA and DSS profiles.


Is this double shot ABS or is it PBT Dye Sub?

EDIT: I will assume double shot ABS because SP generally doesn’t do light on dark dye dub work.

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2 shot abs is correct


Classy! Nice touch.

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Thanks! I’m pretty excited about this revision of the set.


Are those minibars convex, too?

They are darker in the middle, which usually means concave.

SP doesn’t have convex minibars :sob:

about 45 orders on the first day! a great start for something that has had essentially no marketing.


Very nice! I really liked the look of the GMK Paperwork set on the MiniVan but the slant looks odd and feels odd. I might just have to join this. Thinking, thinking…

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Up to 58 orders! We are cruisin’


I love that you are making the molds open. This set looks great, and I can’t wait to see future sets with this icon pack


I’m glad you like them!

We just passed 70 units ordered!!

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Really nice looking set! I just wish you’ll going to do one with ergo dox kit. :sob: GL with GB!

You should run an ergodox kit. If you are interested in taking that on I could help you get it all setup.

Really love the look of this set. Don’t have a 40% yet to plop em on to but very nice aesthetic and colors.

Is there any chance that you’ll have a render by the time the group buy closes?

If you want a look at the colors I assume he would shoot for on this set, you can just google GMK Paperwork and see pics of actual caps in these colors.

EDIT: this is incorrect information please refer to post below.

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there has been some refinement to the colors for this round. the grays are slightly different to add a little more contrast and the legends of the accents are darker

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We’ve surpassed 80 units ordered! Really amazing to see the turnout we’ve had so far!