[GB] GMK ThinkCaps // Nov. 16 to Dec. 13, 2020

This would be a garneted 2x buy for me it it was a replica of an xX20 or older keyboard, but because it’s not a replica, at most all I’ll buy is the accents kit and maybe the RGB modifiers…


it looks amazing, will there be a NOR/DE KIT?

Our EU vendor CandyKeys will be deciding that, based on the form results. Still not 100%

Very cool!

Group buy starts November 16, 2020. :smiley:

Vendors are Dixie Mech, CankyKeys, yakk.shop (Canada), Daily Clack, TBA, TBA.
Pricing coming soon.

Some of the renders may be slightly out of date, but I will update everything in due time…


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Pre-ordered the TKL, numpad and novelties kit.

Recently I came across a half Nyquist split keyboard as macro/Number Pad. Is it possible to utilize the numpad enter key of the ThinkCaps set on 2 swiches?

The first idea was to modify a numpad PCB to be extended. Honestly I just bought my first mech and this is out of my comfort zone to do by myself.

Does someone have ideas, tips or advice?

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The next project in my head is to diy a trackpad into a wrist rest.

I tend to want to diy things that are out of my league and also want a quality product. How does the process of making something like an Axis Extended Number Pad work or the trackpad wrist rest? Is this duable by a layman?

Is there potential to design something and make it open source?

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Basekit and RGBs for me yeehaw! maybe novelties, not 100% sure on that yet

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Yeah man!

Sorry I haven’t been keeping this post up to date. I will very soon put the latest info in the OP.


The Enter key on the numpad has 3 stems (switch and stabilizers) so you can’t put it on two switches.

I updated the OP with all the latest group buy info; Vendors, dates, kits (small changes), etc.

Feel to ask any questions about kits, compatibility and so on.

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Done, order TKL, Icon and Numpad, already have Cherry alpha kit from old boards, so i can do an ISO Be set :slight_smile:

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I have one of these, but the trackpad (at least the Magic Trackpad from Apple) are too big. I always accidentally trigger it :frowning:

It would need to cover some of the horizontal space for me to be able to use it.

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Those were before yesterday and outdated… no point in posting it now.

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I know that, i’m just happy that the GB finishes successfully and that everything except ortho will be produce :slight_smile:

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Any news ? What is the state of the GB, is the caps in production ? :slight_smile:

I sent GMK some colour samples in January but haven’t heard back since.

The current estimate is November 2021.


Thanks for your reply :wink:

Really looking forward to this set