[GB] Light Cycle "Dark Mode" Red / Blue Thru November

TheVan Keyboards is doing a new, Dark Mode Light Cycle. It’s 125 doubleshot DSA from S.P. Fits a bunch of community boards. Check the SICK video they produced for the drop, on the front page of thevankeyboards Really, no Links? I’m new.

The keyset group buy is here:
Can’t tell you because I’m new, but it is under Catalog.

I’m pretty much a superfan of these guys. Can’t wait for their next keyboard drop!
ykill / Mick / KBD75, Das II Ult., Planck rev3, MV4.4 Instalkerversion

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link :wink:

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“…You cannot include links in your posts.” Thank you

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Are these Alps? I now in the past that Light Cycle was one of the few sets that had an Alps option, but I don’t see any mention of MX or Alps on the listing.

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Just MX is what I’m taking away from the page, I’m sure they’d have the fact the sets are available in ALPS stems plastered all over the page if they were this time around. Shame though, I’d love to have a “Control the System” set in ALPS for sure!

Shame. I’m building an Alps board with more keys then usual. I would have bought one set from there and a set of function caps from the used market if that were the case.

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It’s a pity that the layout is simplified so much that it even removes the 2.25u enter novelties key, doesn’t have enough keys for HHKB, and the dark grey is remove from colors. I prefer to the varied dark grey/black (AKA dolch) colors style.

Would buy if it included the international kit like the full set that was run about two years ago.

It really is a shame that there’s not as much compatibility for this set as there was in Light Cycle runs past - and that there’s no orange CLU option. But either way I’m likely gonna end up with a CONTROL THE SYSTEM set anyway. My poor wallet.

That’s weird. 1.5u mods but no 7u spacebar. Now why would that be?

Do you think that would cover an ergodox?

what will be the timeline if the set reaches MOQ??

Pricing is always a question, but I am all for digging up the cash if a set has the option for a international kit.

I bought up a lot of international kits to get them run last time. Had a bunch for over a year. That’s the main reason it was stripped out this time around. I went for a really minimal kit this time essentially abusing uniform profile. Maybe I went too far

Any kits left from that run?

no, finally sold the rest of them earlier this year

These both look really nice, and as a fan of Tron I’ve always been a little sad I missed out on the first Lightcycle. The blue version seems a little too similar to Pulse for me to buy it (just got R3 of SA Pulse a matter of days ago). But I might consider the red version.

I was a little sad to not see another 2.25u shift, clueboard and split spacebars, and then I remembered it was DSA and I can just order blanks from PMK.

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I would be interested in purchasing that set! MX or alps?

doh. you’re too late. i snagged it already (mx)