GMK WoB Hiragana

yeah, but i don’t want the alphas. I want to pair these mods icon with MD GMK WoB

Just sell the alphas on MechMarket; I’m sure some GMK WoB owner will snap them up.

Just seen today that this will be on kbdfans. I want one! Don’t know if I’ll be able to get it, but definitely want it! Being on kbdfans helps :smiley:

From the IC form we receive many comments on the esc icon about it looking ‘weird’ out of place and doesn’t fit the set. So we try out some other designs some of which you might already seen. And thank you to user Jebbra who also help contribute to this :+1:

to keep track of responses easily, we decided to run a strawpoll (please only vote based on esc and not based on other modifier key)

link to poll:

links to images:

edit: *open to suggestion / ideas :smiley:

Really disliking the X, does not look like an icon to me. :slight_smile: