Help identifying some switches from 2024 Oddvent Calendar

So I’ve managed to identify all but two of the switches from my 2024 Oddvent calendar, and was wondering if anyone here had any clues about the last two? The third is a random freebie one that got tossed in with an order from China and I would like to get more of, but I have absolutely no memory of which vendor or what order it came in.

  1. This first unidentified Oddvent switch is Kalih branded, Box-style, 3-pin, all black, wing-latch housing, and a red, square dustproof slider. LED condenser is not integrated, smooth, and rounded.
  2. The other Oddvent switch came as a disassembled switch with two different sliders (one linear, one tactile) and has no branding whatsoever – I don’t have a lot of hope ID’ing this one, but figured it was worth asking.
  3. The random freebee switch is a Roller Linear with a twist – it has silencing pads. I have not seen these anywhere for sale that I’ve looked. Anyone know if it’s at all purchasable or just one-off/prototype thing?

Pictures, in same order as above (left-to-right):