Hi, I’m Sherlock

I’m a budding keyboard enthusiast. I’ve been lurking and occasionally posting at r/mk for the past few years. I’ve dabbled in some custom keycaps and a few artisans but everything has been for a few full sized blue/brown/red boards I have. I’ve never built my own board but am interested in getting into more of the nitty-gritty and snagging more keys, maybe a 75% board, and just generally excited about the community! Any other lurkers and/or newbies out there? I feel like everyone seems to have 15+ boards, be fluent in Dvorak, ortholinear, etc.

Hey there!

I’ve been messing with mechanicals for almost 10 years now. That’s where my large collections comes in, lol.

Bit of a lurker, looking to change that here. Building your own can be fun and very rewarding.

Looking forward to seeing you around more!

We’ll help you go full bloom in no time :+1: