How do you store your keycaps? (& mini rant)

I just wish someone would make a nice storage tray for keycaps that would fit the current GMK banderoles

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If you mean the pacakdging, Zenclack actually has that:


That’s awesome.thx

I forget who suggested this and in which thread, but I picked up some of these mesh ziplock bags on Amazon that do a really good job. I just stick a square of masking tape and sharpie in the label. Then throw them in a plastic bin :sweat_smile:

Before this I was using ziplock bags in the same plastic bin, but the flimsy/slippery-ness of the ziplock bags didn’t help with organization. They weren’t properly labeled before, either. These mesh bags are a bit sturdier and having a label clearly visible helps me keep organized while stopping me from rummaging through the box and making a mess like I used to lol. Got another box with the same bags for switches + stabilizers.

Would recommend!


That’s cool! But I believe that there should be able to be three layers so all the child kits can be there to :thinking:

Im a huge fan of the kinetic labs keycap storage but its geting to the point where I need to order more of them but its also getting expensive to order them with how many I need. Ive heard some people say theyre just tackleboxes with the kinetic labs logo and I was looking at some on amazon but I just cant find some that are similar sizes :confused:

Looks like there’s another fancy plastic tray option; these Z-frontier trays look a fair bit larger than JTK’s - great for sets with tons of coverage. Like JTK’s they look to only accommodate low-to-normal profile keys, not tall ones.

They come in three colors, each accented with what looks like a faux-leather or faux-wood strip at the front.