[IC] KZ75 - 75% Keyboard

Hello KeebTalk JJ from keebzone here!! First time using keebtalk :slight_smile:


The 75% layout is definitely my favourite but I couldn’t seem to find a keeb that matched what I was looking for exactly. Which are:

  1. High quality yet still affordable
  2. Simple and minimal design
  3. Actually available (If there’s enough interest I’ll make the GB unlimited so everyone can have a chance to get the keeb)

A lot of my ideas and inspirations come from the Satisfaction 75 and the HJ-75. My original plan was to just make a keeb for myself but then I realised that there may be others out there who share the same feeling hence the [IC].

What are the features?

  1. Aluminium case
  2. 1.5mm aluminium plate with the option to get brass
  3. Case angle 7.0°
  4. Brass weight
  5. Sandwich mount (Chose to go for this due to the harder bottom out which has a better feeling and nicer sound imo)
  6. Premium-quality PCB (non-hotswap) USB C
  7. ANSI layout
  8. Colours - Anodised black, grey and most probably a powder coat white or E-white option.

Price: Not exactly sure but the estimated price is around $300~350usd

I can’t post any links since I’m a new user so if anyone is interested please join my discord through this invite code to see some renders and to ask any questions zBjkdGn