Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

Looks like NK’s best sale yet. It would have saved me $50 on two sets that I bought just a few weeks ago. Learned my lesson of not buying anything from them until they drop the price. :frowning:


Famous last words when they all of the sudden is out of stock. :cry:

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So painfully true. Ugh. Cold sweats and instant regrets soon follow.

If it was 2 weeks, you are probably just going to have to eat the loss. But if it’s been less than 2, you can email customer support to see if they’ll issue a price adjustment. I did that with DSS Easter. I paid $139 and a week later it was discounted to $99. They issued a refund for the difference. Never hurts to ask.

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Yeah, that’s a massive sale for most of those - about half off!

Aaww doesn’t include Boneyard extras, though - shucks! :skull_and_crossbones:


MCR Horseman is now on Drop; currently $10 off - if you do the keyboard club thing that’s at least another $20. Not a bad deal if you’re looking for a very 1970’s colorway.

MelGeek sent me a set of these a while back; here’s some photos of the keys and packaging:


I went with Serika since it seems to have a lot of versatility. There were quite a few contenders though: yuri, serika, hammerhead, Grand Prix. Even mud beam is a kind of a low key dope set to me.


Gateron X are in stock! Cool colors.


I love me some beige but I have a hard time justifying these over “normal” Pros. Those have an incredible price to performance ratio so I’m not quite sure what to make of these.


One more: Was looking at Agile’s website when I saw this:

But get this: HAND LUBED?

Screenshot 2022-07-22 6.54.39 PM

That’s around 50 ish cents per switch, and if Agile is correct, that’s crazy.

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When vendors say switches are pre-lubed from the factory, does that imply they were hand lubed? I’ve always wondered this…

I wouldn’t say this is entirely impossible though! I have some KTT Strawberry switches that are lightly factory lubed and they come out to $0.40/switch as well. Haven’t done any additional lubing and they’re the smoothest stock switch I’ve ever tried. Up to par to (possibly even better) than switches I’ve lubed myself!

Idk what these switch creators are doing these days, but the quality:price ratio on switches these days is looking better and better


I’ll press X too.

They don’t imply whether these are factory lubed or lubed with a regular lubricant like e.g. 205g0 though. Considering lubing services cost around as much as the switches themselves, I doubt they’re anything but standard factory lubed like everything JWK.


I really like the KTT Strawberries. I’d love to lube them with 205g0 to tone down the clack on them, but I can’t find an easy way to open them. I’d lose my mind trying to open 70 of them. I don’t know what kind of sorcery they use to hold them together.


I can spot one difference between these and the Pros - these do not have the curve in the top housing that helps with Cherry profile / North-facing compatibility found on Pros, Oil Kings, North Poles, newer KS-3X1s and KS-9s, GoPolar’s switches, and a few more.

I’d be curious to see these measured on some really sensitive equipment to see which makes a bigger difference; the polishing afforded to the Xes or the lubing afforded to the Pros.

Are there X-Pros? :thinking:

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I have my own doubt picture lol


Ooh, good eye! While not a dealbreaker, that does seem like a strange exclusion given that so many of their switches have it now. I really don’t want to suggest that Gateron further their character salad product line but a somehow even smoother Pro? That I’d like to see.

GMK Taiga GB is a go! If you are interested, please show your support early so this great set makes it out of the gate (I’ll cry if it goes down like Prussian Blue :sob:).


@Jacky posted a teaser of a proto (Apricot) that’s a new sub-40 with (to me) 'van vibes. Strangely compelling.

(ignore the bottom-right one. That’s a Dimple)


Sometimes I think designers focus on keyboards as a decorative item and not a tool.

That layout looks like it came straight from hell. I’d rather use a SafeType with Smith-Corona leafsprings than type on that layout.

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Well, if it’s not a black square it’s a decorative item so thread easy with that statement. :wink: