It definitely isn’t a basic wedge with sharp corners.
I guess I’m not that into the Lin Dolphin sides or corner dips necessarily, but I like the bowed front edge and inset topographical weight.
These look very nice to me.
High gloss dye sub PBT keycaps in a classic beige colorway
Soon available for preorder. It’s a mix of their retro model-M SSK and PCJr boards. The Model M Compact. Plastic. I would have preferred a different bottom row layout, but still, me likey. You likey?
Yep, similar feelings - might prefer a different bottom row but I like it!
especially if the price is right. Needs to be around $100. But I bet it’s more like $129-149 with the wireless stuff. At least Vortex uses AA battery wireless so I don’t have to worry about my keeb catching on fire
I likey. I still have yet to try a Vortex board but I love the classic inspired designs they lean towards
Will is pretty good with marketing, so you’ve probably already seen this. But I did ask and get verification that these are the same colors as the original SA Dasher set
Now I just have to find an excuse for purchasing this set when I own the original. I guess the novelties? A shame they aren’t available separately.
If he’s also good at market segmentation, then give it a few months for the Severance fans and completionist collectors to get theirs at full price.
NK_ is selling it as well, fwiw.
I’m glad I got back into watching Severance before the new season came out. It’s such a fun show, and the visuals are a treat.
But now that more of the general public has been exposed to these lovely terminal board designs and aesthetics… is there anyone planning to do a proper Data General Nova/Dasher type board? I mean… the keycaps and interest are here
Also, did anyone catch the smaller boards in the newest season in other offices?
It’s hard to get a good focused shot of it (which is one fun thing about the show, the cinema framerate and older lens effects on some cameras) but this was created for the show, right? I don’t know of a terminal board with that profile. Would be fun to know who built these for the show.
These are different from the larger boards they use in the macrodata refinement offices.
Look at the chonky bezels! 50mm front height! Ergonomics be damned, I want one.
just need a tall wrist rest and a booster seat and it’s all ergonomic.
Big brain move indeed! Matching booster seats are an untapped accessories market!
This is nice.
Goddamnit Novelkeys, I’ve already got Too Many Classic TKLs and now you have to go and drop glow in the dark ones?
Definitely getting Phosphor. Debating between Uranium and Argon as a second one.
EDIT: Ooo, need to see if the Classic TKL has any extra GPIO’s, or if I can hook into the existing matrix. Then I could add some UV LED underglow to activate the GitD case.
Not my cup of tea but I’m glad it isn’t because I already have 4 of them,
I’ll check my PCB to see if there are extra pins for LEDs and report back.
I hope they do something with mixed resin like a SGI granite case. Multi color flecks with black or white for a jawbreaker look. Or maybe blue or green with metallic flakes for a campy old-school custom bike look
No dice on GPIO
Can you simply connect a strip to legs of the last LED in the matrix and run off of that? Or could you use a UV strip and wire it to power at the JST connector?
I think both could work, yeah. The first is probably my ideal solution as I have a some WS2812 strips that are UV LEDS instead of RGB (so they only really use one channel) – just need to find the final LED in the chain and solder some leads to that. But, that relies on the LEDs having the same WS2812 settings, which might not be the case (400kHz vs 800kHz, RGB vs. GBR, etc.).
Failing that, yeah, I can just tap into the 5V and GND somewhere and just have them turn on whenever the power comes on. I would need to add an extra microcontroller to push the data to the lights, but that’s easy enough.
Takes notes. Definitely something we want to do in the future!