Invyr UHMWPE Linear Stems

I have a batch of the Alpaca Silents and I tried a Linear UHMWPE stem in one of them. The UHMWPE stem is very wobbly and quit loud. Stock it is until I can get some film strips. Though, the UHMWPE is a lot smoother.

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I agree and hopefully the next round of these stems has a longer stem. It’s very promising but hey, this is the first round and hopefully it’ll just get better from here.


Yeah, hoping in oncoming rounds they can try and reduce the wobble a lot too.

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Anyone have the chance to try putting these in black ink housings?

I’m planning on trying that as soon as my inks arrive tomorrow! :smiley:


Result was very very very smooth but the sound wasn’t that great for me. With longer tip, maybe.

How’d these turn out? I’m waiting on another restock, assuming it’s delayed by nCov and LNY.

Surprisingly amazing! I put them in inks with 63.5g slow sprit springs. I lubed them via the Huey Classic which is 3204 on the bottom housing around the spring pole, and 3203 on the stem. Installed them on my HBCP with a half fr4 plate. So it works so nicely when it’s so flexy for typing. These switches are extremely smooth and I’d do it again. Heck, I’m also going to do it again after things resume production and shipping after nCov!


I love the sound and feel of the stems, but hate how undersized the crucifix is. Keycaps don’t immediately fall off of them or anything, but they aren’t as snug as with regular stems from Gat, Cherry, etc. Did you experience the same issue?

Yeah. It’s looser than other switches. Not an issue while in-use. I haven’t tried it yet but a coat of liquid silicon or nail-polish may help.

Hmm, I haven’t experienced keycaps falling off with my GMK Oblivion v2 stems, and they didn’t feel worrying loose when putting the keycaps on. I’ll try with some epbt when I get home :thinking:

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Bad UHMWPE Stems

Extra stems in each bag were apparently not a mistake. It was more likely to account for quality control issues. I have not been able to discern bad stems visually. But they either make static discharge like clicking noise or feel rough and inconsistent when pressed. You have to hold the switch close to your ear to hear the click.

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My batch also feels like they are slightly undersized. I have not tried a fresh out the box set on them; however, the three GMK sets I did mount were loose enough that you can easily pull the cap off without a key cap puller.


Loose keycap fit is not good but not as bad as undersized stem legs. After going through a bag to find enough good stems for a TKL, I found a visually bad one:

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that’s crazy. I had no problems with any of my stems. I guess it’s a batch issue. Good to know. I’ll be extra diligent in checking if I order any more.

Speaking of ordering more, has krelbit given any info on a restock? I feel the need to buy more even though I haven’t used the ones I have. cough mm resale cough x2

I had one like this one.

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These are in pre-order on switchmod now.

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Thanks for the heads up, just ordered myself a pack!

I’m stem swapping with batch 3 and v1 gat black inks and I have to say these are terrible. So far only 7 of 24 have been usable, all others have caused a scratchy click. I’m incredibly disappointed.