Keebtalk Logo sticker?

Now we have new Keebtalk logo. How about a sticker for your private jet, luxury yacht or just maybe the back of your 1978 Honda Civic? That would be cool.


I agree! @Manofinterests @norbauer @lekashman @olivia @TaehaTypes can we make this and T-shirt’s happen? I know I saw some at the NorCal meetup…

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I also agree, we need stickers!

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I’d be down for some stickers for sure!



Soon? We do have some shirts on hand and the design could easily be ‘stickerized’, but currently I’m waiting for some last bits of paperwork involving the 501(c )(3) and the IRS. I want you guys to be able to choose whether or not you want to have t-shirts and stickers be tax deductible :smiley:


Any update on getting stickers?
Tax deductible or otherwise…

because it’s been quiet here for a long time i try to revive it :slight_smile:

I’am also a great sticker fan and would also have a keebtalk sticker an my laptop.

If the Admins are OK with it, I just need the Logo in a good quality or an Artwork for the Sticker or someone create an Artwork for the Sticker.

Now my idea:
When everyone says where they come from and how many Stickers they want, I can try to calculate the prices for the sticker + shipping (no profit for me. only prime costs).

Let me know what you think of that idea or directly send your destination and amount of stickers you need.



I’ll PM you some files tonight after work :slight_smile:

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oooo i just saw this, i would love a sticker to go on my hydro flask

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cool thank you :slight_smile: i think i start a new threat with all the informations (size, prices etc) if it is ok for everyone

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Hopefully not a new threat :wink:

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:joy::sweat_smile: yeah! thread :man_facepalming:
sorry another german guy with bad english :smiley:

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Does that mean we Europeans might not need to order these stickers in the US? :yum:

Yep! But I have planned that the shipping costs will generally remain low

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