Keyboard dream team (hypothetical or built)


  • JTK BoB on a Classic Brown KOBO-case Filco MJ2

Extra hypothetical:

  • MT3 Breadbin* on one of those C64 revival type boards with a more modern layout

*totally doesn’t exist but you know it should

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Off-topic Dream Team:

Mike of Novelkeys on drums
Salvun on bass guitar
RAMA & Kate of RAMAWORKS on lead and rhythm guitar


And u singing :wink:

Noice lineup, but… who’s on the KEYS? :wink:

A gold or chrome plated Mojo60 with Besides full metal keyset. I reckon the acoustics and typing feel on this would be something kinda wonderful.

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Necro-replying here, but this. Pretty much this.*

I would love a high-end, staggered row, split keyboard with a traditional key layout. With some MT3 caps, I think I could safely have a board I could use for years.

And maybe a wee bit of RGB lighting, just for when you need to party.

‘*’ The more I look at the key layout on that board the more I wouldn’t want EXACTLY that. However, the symmetry is wonderful.

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