Keyset Catalog - Just a simple Keyset search Engine and renderer

Biip Notice Me

Best :joy:

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Could you please add GMK Paperwork?

@kimslawson do you have the RGB codes?

@hell-es Yeah it’s in the todo list. ATM i have lot of work with my dayjob but i’ll try to tackle it asap.

GMK Paperwork is special. It’s made by The Van Keyboards (shoutout to @evangs) and meant for 40% keyboards specifically, and it used 13 SA custom color codes. How did that work? I have no idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cross-referencing SP ABS Standard Color Codes - Keycaps Info From Matrix and Paperwork - Keycaps Info From Matrix I have the following:

3 greys:

                                   color:         code:  RGB:             hex:
Mod keys; alpha and arrow legends: Dark grey      GG     123, 120, 115    #7b7873
Arrow keys:                        Medium grey    GKH    168, 168, 166    #a8a8a6
Alpha keys; mod legends:           Light grey     GTR    199, 199, 191    #c7c7bf

and 5 colors in 2 shades each:

color:         code:  RGB:             hex:

Dark Violet    RDA    108, 59, 123   ­  #6c3b7b    Option key legend
Dark Yellow    YBP    255, 172, 0 ­     #ffac00    Control key legend
Dark Pink      RCR    211, 123, 162   ­ #d37ba2    Escape key legend
Dark Blue      BDG    54, 144, 161     #3690a1    Super key (diamond) legend
Dark Green     VBQ    97, 138, 64      #618a40    Menu key (lines) legend
Light Violet   RCJ    166, 152, 197    #a698c5    Option key
Light Yellow   YCE    255, 219, 88     #ffdb58    Control key
Light Pink     RCS    220, 162, 200    #dca2c8    Escape key	
Light Blue     BFQ    102, 208, 208    #66d0d0    Super key
Light Green    VAT    147, 194, 71     #93c247    Menu key

See Paperwork - Keycaps Info From Matrix for the layout and color chip samples

See SP ABS Standard Color Codes - Keycaps Info From Matrix for the custom SA colors used

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Very nice!
Now if I could only get a set of keycaps that look like this:


Reversed honeywell? haha

Closest would probably be Sanctuary Rebirth PBT or Sanctuary DCS
The mods aren’t as loud, but it does have a solid red and black theme going on.

I agree with @Manofinterests this may the only alternative i see.

Honeywell Dark Room… or just GMK Dark Room…

I like what their going for, but I’m not really a fan of how they executed the red, with out addressing the mods.