List of Keyboard Retailers / Shops / Stores / Vendors?

Does anyone want to help me vet this list to ensure storefronts are still operational and labels are accurate?


Sure. I tend to check regularly, but if you see anything out of wack, by all means buddy.

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I figure having another set of eyes will help out :+1:

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I can start going through them. Ive been meaning to look at the ones that sell switches to see if theres any i can add to my collection lol


Happy to lend a hand as well. Divide and conquer?


For consideration:
vendor Unreal Keyboards. I don’t see them on this list yet, but their store carries Topre gaskets, accessories, and it should carry a wider selection of Deskeys-Topre specific parts eventually.

Short reviews of the following stores (purchases occurred Aug-Oct 2021, shipping to location US-CA)

  • Ashkeebs (CAN): turns out the price for Bobagums was on-par here if not better than the AliExpress MK Zealots store. Arrived in less than 2 weeks, Discord communication/ticket resolution was fantastic. Switches arrived in decent condition (only one or two had bent pins.)
  • Zap Cables (US): got some Realforce R1 specific detachable ends, a mini-USB, and got my Mechmarket-preowned coiled USB-C and host cable re-coiled/shaped. Glad to have reached out to them per @anon81470386/Unreal Keyboards recommendation for the RF cable conundrum. Communication excellent, prices reasonable I wonder I didn’t do this sooner.
  • Unreal Keyboards (US): their Discord channel is a great place to get Topre advice. I’ve also just recently purchased a Norbaforce Mk II from Buddy and it went smoothly.

We definitely need more Torpe shops. Thanks for sharing. Updated.

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Thank you very much, I saw my friend website above, I hope everyone likes the Mechdiy website.

I was wondering if you could add my store to the list?
Based out of Texas, USA
Offers build service, switches, stabilizers, switch film and soon, lube.

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Here’s another, I used these folks recently for a purchase of stabilizers. That experience was very positive.


Welcome welcome!

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. Updated.

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Ooo, thanks for the firsthand feedback. Updated.

After creating my version of a vendor database and contacting 300+ vendors, I’d like to announce another interface for the same dataset by putting all the stores on a map (well, about half of them with known address):

And one more thing: when visiting the map, there’s a chance for a guest appearance of bongo cat performing some typing.


The owners name is James, he is super friendly and helped me launch my store by answering any and all questions I had. Very approachable and a great person. Can’t vouch enough for him.

I get an “Account suspended” message when trying to access

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Yeah, nodekeyboards was already marked as “closed” on Keyboard vendors.
Also, MARVODIY just contacted me and they are located in Shenzhen, China.

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Ugh, always hate to see that. Ok, updated. Thanks for the heads-up.

Updated. Thanks buddy!

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Do you have any plans to flag for “Untrusted” vendor?

I think in some cases they’ve removed them. If their malfeasance has been documented at least.