Looking for an orange switch

Thanks a lot in advance!

But I guess you’re right, they’re probably very similar if not exactly the same.

They Coral stems in the Tangerine housing just result in such a short stem travel that I am not sure yet if I like it or not.

actually, I think it’s the opposite. I took a tangerine and an epsilon… put the same stem in both (an epsilon stem), and it went visibly down further in the tangerine housing. Also, the epsilon switch sounds significantly deeper in pitch.


Wow, that’s a surprise!
Thanks for the info. :+1:

Hmmmm… makes me wonder how the extra-long Coral stems would be in the Epsilon housing. Even shorter travel than in the Tangerine housing.

Super-short travel tactile with a deep pitch… :thinking:

May I like that or not?

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I decided to give it a shot and ordered Epsilons.
I’m just to curious to try Coral stems in Epsilon housings :wink:

If anyone has succeeded in making a cool switch with Everglide Jade Green stems in the Tangerine housing, please let me know.

I don’t have enough parts on hand to do it properly, but I’m curious how it would do with the 57 G 15mm TX and 60 G 14mm TX springs. Early results are somewhat promising.

Today my Epsilons arrived, and I immediately tried a Coral stem in the Epsilon housing.


An very short travel tactile with a nice sound.

The travel distance is only 2.55mm!