Looking for Hot Swappable Full Size (100%) Keyboard with NO onboard memory!

Hi! New to the forum here, but in need of recommendations. I am looking for a hot swappable 100% layout keyboard (US). The keyboard has to have NO onboard memory (restrictions for my office) and must be wired only, no wireless allowed.

I want a high end experience for my office. I already have switches and caps picked out, just need a base setup for it all. I was initially looking at the Keychron Q6 since it’s wired only, but it unfortunately has onboard memory.

I know that most decent keyboards have on board memory, thus the difficult search and me resorting to joining this forum!

Thanks in advance for the recommendations!


Well, not really. The MCU of course has its own memory, but that is the case in every MCU that is used out there. I guess that’s just some legal bullshit bingo from the company, but without the existence of any memory in whatever form at all, no keyboard is going to know that it’s a keyboard, and not a toaster. The only thing that I have in mind that could be problematic is a board with KMK that shows up as mass storage, with its extensive 4-16MB, depending of the controller.


Yeah I know what you mean. I think the issue is when the keyboard has a “flashable” memory which usually is shown when you are able to save different key binds directly to the keyboard (VIA/QMK compatible means it has flashable memory).

The unfortunate thing is that it’s a cybersecurity issue at my office to have a keyboard that has any sort of flashable/editable memory. I wish they understood that a few kb of memory is useless but I don’t have that power lol.


Now, one could get pedantic and say that pretty much any mechanical keyboard can be flashed and has some sort of memory, but it sounds like simply not being QMK/TMK/KMK will be fine.

I think the Keychron C2 (NOT the C2 Pro, btw) should be hot swap, wired, and non-programmable. I don’t know how it feels and sounds though. Once you move into the higher end, programmability sort of comes along for the ride.


I used a C2 for about two years, it is a great board for the price. Disassembly is bit touchy, the plastic frame will break if stressed but it can be done with a pry tool. I added a poron sheet to the case bottom and put three layers of blue tape on the PCB, that killed 95% of the hollow “clack”. You can use 3 or 5 pin switches, I had it loaded with Gateron Milky Yellows. Not a terribly heavy board but it does stay in place on a mat. The sound was very good for what it was. Initially, I only upgraded for QMK programmability, there is nothing wrong with the board at all. Mine still works and is a backup to my backup board at work (cause, you know, we have to have redundancy).

Btw, WELCOME to the community!!


OG CoolMaster keyboard might be a solution for you.

C2 is the perfect solution! Thanks for the recommendation.


Thanks for the info! Looks like you can use a card/putty knife to get the case apart (carefully lol). I ordered it today!

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