No word from Sentraq about my order for two months

I ordered some Costar stabs mid-October from Sentraq, and the order still hasn’t shipped and I’ve gotten no updates from them. I’ve sent them three emails and haven’t heard anything back. Even if they’re out of stock or experiencing shipping delays, I feel like I should have gotten an update by now…

Anyone else having trouble with their orders or getting in touch with Sentraq? Should I try canceling my order and get plate-mounted stabilizers from somewhere else?

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Cancel your order, you’ll probably have to back charge through your CC company/bank or contact PayPal if you paid that way though. Sentraq went AWOL awhile back. Search it up on r/mk there are a few threads about orders not getting fulfilled & no contact with the owner. Sentraq is a definite place to avoid buying from right now.


Ugh that’s frustrating. Thanks for letting me know!

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No problem, hope you can get your money back without too much frustration!

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Brandon is known to disappear from time to time, given his health issues. I myself had my problems with him, and that as a keyboard designer, not as a client. He’s a nice guy, though, it’s a shame to see these things happening.


Well hopefully he is just having issues right now & will get back to everyone once he’s taken care of them. Never met or talked to the guy personally, I have ordered some stuff from him without issue a few yrs back though. Just wanted to let OP know this has been an ongoing issue with Sentraq recently.

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Yeah. I reached out asking about a 65% acrylic case and he never got back to me, so I was pretty bummed. Hopefully we hear from him soon.

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I had a similar situation where he just forgot to fulfill an order for 8 weeks… He was happy to refund it though, which was nice. When his health isn’t preventing him from answering he is very reasonable. It is a bummer though he should get some help with the store.


I have gotten a few products from him. His high profile aluminum case with the led underglow layer, I wish it was mentioned it would be challenging to assemble =(