I already know the standard for that kind of key (1.25U). I just wanted to replace the keycap to something not related to Windows. It may sound stupid, but this situation is bothering my head (aspie here).
Redragon Kala User with cheap and black ABS keycaps. Every keycap set I see to buy (common brands) has the Windows Key.
In QMK, these are KC_LGUI and KC_RGUI; these often have fun/interesting replacements in keysets like “Super” or “Code” or “Command” (the former being a semistandard nomenclature in Linux for that key, the latter being the Mac keyboards’ standard nomenclature for that keycode).
Honestly if anything in a set serves your needs for what that key does and feels memorable to you: use it!
In my opinion, as long as there is no windows logo, but ‘WIN’ text there is no need for replacement.
For me personally, this plays very well since I use a tiling window manager, and I use the window keys for window control, so there is no problem at all