Norbaforce PVD back-plates

Thankfully AJ was able to find me two great looking back plates so no complaints from me :ok_hand:

finally got the backplate in hands today and I love it <3 such a hefty thing, now my polycarb Norbaforce is even heavier than my full alumnium R1 Norbaforce (I think, cause I haven’t use that board for a few months). Money spent on your creation is money well-spent as always :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Super lovely packaging, I did not expect it to come in the same wrapper as the merino felt. It is only ruined by the stumpy custom officials who ripped it open for inspection!

Just some close-up shots to show people it is indeed B-stock / warehouse-lucky-find

And final assembly!


That’s a shame about the customs folks opening the tissue paper, but unfortunately it happens quite often. If fingerprinting bothers you (it doesn’t bother me), you can always wipe the plate down with isopropyl alcohol. I have tested that and it doesn’t harm the finish at all. Thanks for helping us find a home for this part. :slight_smile:

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always a pleasure! now people my in local Topre group is simply calling me the-Norbauer-guy hahaha

given how dusty where I live is, fingerprint is the least of my concerns but good tips for regular cleanup. thanks!