PSA: Careful with your leaves when lubing Inks

Recent Ink switches have looser-fitting leaves.

Be careful! If the leaf isn’t fully inserted, it will often get bent and ruined when you put the switch top back on.


I believe it was on GH, but I had a discussion with someone who had the same issue with regular Inks. Nobody else chimed in so we came to the conclusion it was a single production run issue. Seeing you have the same issue with yellow inks now make me think otherwise.

Edit: A link to the GH thread if anyone is interested.

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When lubing inks earlier this week, I did notice quite a few leaves be able to easily slide out a bit; so this is a good PSA

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Glad you posted. I kind of thought I was crazy. Lubed my silent black inks (NovelKeys Stock) about 2 weeks ago, same issue.

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Chiming in for posterity. I was helping a friend lube some inks from a recent batch a couple of weeks ago and had similar issues at the time. We just needed to be really careful putting everything back together. I had an older batch around so I decided to lube them more recently and noticed no such issues. So in my limited experience this does point to some more recent change. YMMV


Yup. Leaves in a Black Ink just slid out along with the stem while I was changing spring.
I’ll have to be extra careful when modding Inks.


I lubed a batch of Red Inks last night and after reading this thread I panicked because it was a quick lube job and I handled the switches pretty roughly. I must have lucked out with this batch because I tested them and they all appear to work fine, no leaf issues.

I would guess then it does really depend on the batch.


I agree. Even in a batch, some leafs were held tighter than others.

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