QMK 4 layers with 2 keys?

Can I get QMK to access 4 layers by holding (MO?) 0-2 keys? If so, what’s best practice for this? I’ve got a wicked hitchhiker’s thumb and I want to use it!


Pretty much all Plancks do that (lower, raise, adjust), so I would look at, say, keyboards/planck/keymaps/pok3r to see how it’s done.

Edit: actually that is a bad example, they do it in a roundabout way. What you want is simply to put MO(1) and MO(2) on the first layer, and then on layers 1 and 2 replace them with MO(3). That’s it.

You can even add one more layer, depending on the order in which those keys are pressed…


I was actually just about to post NOT to do it how the Planck does it, haha.

I’m actually not using the exact layer setup you mentioned, but I have a TG (toggle) layer that also has a layer key on it (via fall thru to the lower layer).

@wavebeem’s solution does not really address the question, but does show how to use MO.

@deshipu’s solution with stacked MO doesn’t work either. It seems to cause an undefined combination of all 3 layers, unless I am doing it wrong. I attached a QMK Configurator keymap file with an attempt at it (exactly as the OP asked it).

I am going to look into how Planks do it, but if someone knows how to do this in a simpler way, please let me know! Thanks :slight_smile:

EDIT: I was getting confused cause numpad wasn’t enabled while trying to use my fourth layer (MO(3)). Regardless, this keymap is here as an example for others.


  "version": 1,
  "notes": "",
  "documentation": "\"This file is a QMK Configurator export. You can import this at <https://config.qmk.fm>. It can also be used directly with QMK's source code.\n\nTo setup your QMK environment check out the tutorial: <https://docs.qmk.fm/#/newbs>\n\nYou can convert this file to a keymap.c using this command: `qmk json2c {keymap}`\n\nYou can compile this keymap using this command: `qmk compile {keymap}`\"\n",
  "keyboard": "ferris/sweep",
  "keymap": "cusp_hold_layout",
  "layout": "LAYOUT_split_3x5_2",
  "layers": [
  "author": ""