SA Retro is back with front legend alphas!

Curious… anyone who ordered these… did your order ship yet? Mine still says “awaiting fulfillment”

giphy (4)

Have I got news for you…


Mine haven’t shipped yet either and I ordered on the day they were released

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Oh man… you are a great human being. This has been a holy grail of mine since I got into the hobby when it was all GMK Carbon and Pok3rs.

I am genuinely grateful you remembered my comment. You’ve made my day.

Now… to find the perfect board for it.

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I don’t need an SA Set. Heck, I barely even tolerate SA sets… but I want this set :eyes:


I’ve loaded and unloaded my cart so many times. I just can’t justify spending $251 to get all the keycaps I’d want (you know, for reasons).

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Do you know who “owns” it? Would be a great candidate for a MTNU. :thinking:


Was thinking the same, except for AF SA or QX SA!

Matt3o designed the original set for DSA and then SA. So it’s extremely likely that it will show up in some form on MTNU, since that is his work as well :grinning:

It is certain that he will not work with the manufacturers of AFSA or QXSA, but they will definitely make clones. They always do :joy:


Unfortunately, only SP has the license to use the Commodore logo. Crazy as it is, there is still a company in Europe that owns it and goes legal apeshit if you put a Commodore logo on anything. Matt3o and GMK would have to get a license from them.

SP manufactured the Commodore keycaps for a US company that also held the copyright giving them some kind of legal-ish right to make them.

That company has since gone under, so who knows how long it will be until the Commodore legal mafia goes after them.

That is one of the reasons I grabbed this set, it may be the last SP set run ever with the Commodore key depending on whether or not the holding company goes after them.

And in fact, that US company that SP made keycaps for may never have actually had a license, because the company that sold them the license may not have owned it :rofl:




Jealous! Mine is still awaiting fulfillment…
Also, SPs order details page is a mess!


Lol. That wall of text isn’t clear about what you ordered? I was trying to inventory old purchases the first time I found that. I gave up. I just checked my email receipt instead.

Just got a restock email about this set - grab it while it’s hot!


Thank you! Another user here pointed me to it and all in my years I’ve never moved so fast to click the order button.


So, so true… :smiley:


Anyone receive their set yet? Can you post pictures while I impatiently wait for mine that are stuck in some place called Elk Grove (sounds nice btw)?


Not yet received mine, but I live in EU so it my take time to arrive.

I got mine a few days back. Was posted in another thread.


Wow, I’m so happy they brought these back!