Send string when doing a keyboard combination with qmk for password entry

Dear fellow keeb lovers

I know what you think. Cant he have use the search functionality to find this ?
Ive been searching a while now for this feature and im a bit confused that no1 else has made it as i cannot find any examples that feature this.

It can be that im just not using the right jargon to find what i want. This is the downside when you are not into qmk yet…

My problem:
i have a ID80 and a DZ60 RGB. They both use QMK which i was able to flash for some easy remappings. I wanna go next level and say for example.
When i press ctrl shift T of whatever combination. I want my keyboard to type MyUberEletePassword!

Why ? I work in a pretty big company and i really need to type my pass word alot and i hate it cause it needs to be pretty big and special chars… you know the drill.

Any help is more than welcome :slight_smile:

I definitely understand how you feel - it gets tiring inputing your company ID and password(s) for different systems multiple times a day.

You might want to try programming a macro instead, where you input your password. And save the macro binding to a layer or keypress. I do that with Bootmapper (my board’s programming software that’s stuck in 2001)

If you store your password in some QMK source code, that’s a big security risk. I’ve never recorded a macro on the fly with QMK like previously suggested, but I know it’s possible!

I move between machines a bunch, so I’ve had this issue. Your mileage may vary, but I use this device to do what you’re looking to do:

It can store little bits of text then output them like a keyboard whenever you need to type them. Hope this helps!

security risk is not an issue, i work from home and im the only one at home using my pc :slight_smile: or keeb :wink:

If you’re only needing to do this from a single PC, or a set of PCs you generally have control over, is there any reason to handle this on the keyboard rather than with a password manager? Most of them, to my knowledge, have numerous browser extensions and support for being invoked via a macro.


its not possible to use password manager with programs nor windows itself…