Stuck on potential 60% upgrade

Sure thing re: JJW boards. I agree with your observations. I think most people who have them are obsessed with them and have no interest in selling, but they are also both new.

I think trying different switch builds makes sense.

You could drop $130 on a Bakeneko in your color of choice (NG Red!) and add that to your rotation. I have a black one and honestly have thought of getting another just for color.

Also, you’ve experienced a ton of cool things!

EDIT: If you get a chance to try a Salvation, give it a try. I’d be curious how you think it compares to the Thermal.

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I should really try a heavy metal board, not the biggest fan of the rivets in the design but otherwise they look pretty cool

Have you tried the x60 before? How is that?

I finally ended up getting a decent deskmat recently, for years I’ve just used the one that everyone has on amazon with the thinkpad wallpaper esque timezone map, but put an order in for the synchronize r2 mat and excited to get that when it ships, one of the few deskmats I actually liked the design of lol

I guess over time I’ll have to keep an eye on it and see how things pan out, if they become obtainable or not lol

I’m just sort of getting a bit tired of doing it, but then again I’m likely not trying a lot of the more interesting mx switches out there

I might just give the neo to a coworker and replace it with a bakeneko for a board to leave at work, good idea lol.

I feel like I’ve tried a lot of random boards, but never a really tightly refined and tuned mx linear board (I feel like the jer is close but I botched the lubing on the switches), so hoping to try that eventually (and only real chances of doing that are going to be if I do it myself lol)

Will do :+1:


I haven’t. I have a 268, 268.2, 220 and 280. All stellar boards.

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I really like my Parallel Snake, bit it’s not everyone’s cup of tea design wise.

I have a custom half-plate with the solder PCB and absolutely love the look, typing feel, weight, and sound from it.


My Prophet is built with a 1/2 POM plate and it’s the most unique typing experience I’ve ever tried.


On February 10th the Heavy Grail will have another release, in red. Buy that and an HHKB doner board and you will not have regrets. I recently discovered HHKB Topre switches and I am a convert… if you actually enjoy doing lots of typing… it is a 60%.

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I already have a heavy grail on the way, so waiting for that one to come in before I consider anything else. I am looking into other boards and going though what I have already to really find out exactly what I’m looking for in a new board as well.

I guess I should update this thread just for the sake of some closure lol, tried some more 60s with some hits and some misses:

Miss - CW60: I really didn’t like this at first build, felt really off and sort of immediately reaffirmed my distaste for softer plates, BUT, after correcting a problem with the JST connector hitting the bottom (swapped to PCB with pico molex to resolve the issue), and swapping to some lunar probe switches, it’s now feeling and sounding more tolerable to me. I still think it’s not really to my preference, but I can see why some like it.

Neutral - Nazare: Interesting board, looks nice, feels average and doesn’t sound all that great either imo. It’s nice, initially built with long poles but swapping to standard switches improved my opinion of it, but it’s not really all that special to me in typing experience. It’s above average, but also nothing standout. Sound I think is always going to be weak given the mounting system, can look past it if the feel was really good but it’s not really that special to me

Neutral/Hit - Derivative: Very nice board, but I think I might have messed up on the switch choice going with nixies, a bit too heavy, I should have spring swapped (but already soldered so too lazy now lol), it’s pretty nice, but it doesn’t really wow me. Granted I have only tried oring mount for any decent amount of time so far, but I really wonder how much top or leaf mount will change my mind here, I’ll get to it eventually. I do like it enough to want to use it semi often though so I’m happy enough with it

Hit - Cable Car Angel (couldn’t find a prophet): I think this really changed my mind on soft plates, have it with a POM full plate and it’s a really interesting and pleasant feeling build with tactile switches. I don’t know if I’d daily it, but easily worth the pickup for the feel alone.

Hit - Typ60SL: Wow this was a surprise, I really like this one with haimu pastel sky switches, it’s got the slap and slight bounce I’m looking for without being overdone, it’s almost like the vibrations are more truncated by the polycarb case in feel, and the switches match really well with the mount. So far my favorite mx based 60% in feel.

Hit? - Heavy Grail: So, I do really like it, but at the same time a bit disappointed as well. I honestly prefer the feel of the stock classic vs the grail by a slight margin. I feel like I might be being a bit too nitpicky but it’s still nice. I do like the looks and sound more than stock though.

I’ve got a few more 60s coming in, if these don’t really wow me I think I’ll just stick with the typ60 and grail and call it a day lol (that reminds me I need another stock hhkb though lol). Also currently looking for a Kei HHKB or Sessantacinque if anyone is selling either lol


Good notes. What I’m wondering is how much do you think switch choice is impacting each one? For example, I’m guessing Skies in a bouncier mount on the Derivative could have more of the feedback you want (though I do like oring in general - no experience of it in Derivative).

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I thought about that, and on the boards that I could swap switches I did. I don’t really have a ton of switches to try though

On the CW60 I tried a few long poles like baby raccoons, ws morandi, bsun bcp, haimus, and some others but none of them really clicked and felt awkward, I tried some normal poles like tangies or alpacas and I thought that felt better but sort of boring and didn’t sound all that nice. The lunar probes I actually wasn’t that big of a fan in other builds but trying it in the cw was a really nice match. I still think the keypress is still a bit too abrupt but I like the general bottoming out feel more in the cw than I did in other builds, and it feels more lively without awkward. One of the problems I had with the CW is that it just felt a bit too muted in typing experience, like overly dampened where it was kinda just not engaging to type on, but the lunar probes were one of the few switches I had on hand that I thought helped to remove that. Also a nice sound as well as a plus. I also found that I liked pbt caps more with it than abs interestingly, don’t know why, made the board feel and sound more solid, typically I end up liking abs more.

For the nazare, for being an oring mount, it doesn’t really feel like one, it’s sort of in the middle between a higher hardness oring and an isolated mount. That being said, unfortunately it’s not the best of both, I think it doesn’t have the dullness/stiffness of an isolated mount but also doesn’t have the bounce and liveliness of an oring mount, but it is consistent like an oring mount. It actually sits a bit loose in the case by design but you can’t really feel that when typing like you can with the angel for example (which is a good thing). This kinda led to a lot of switches feeling somewhat kinda more similar and not really one standout over another. This is with the alu and not cf plate btw. I do think that long poles work decently well in there, but eventually settled on sp star meteor v2 which I think are a nice lighter switch for that build that made it reasonably pleasant and also was a nice clackier switch in sound since I found that deeper more muted switches just sounded dull in the build. I haven’t tried any tactiles in this one though, so that might be the next step, maybe it will come alive more there. But I am still happy with the result with the stars.

I have only tried the nixies in the derivative, but I did specifically want a bit heavier switch with more scratch and nuance to the keypress and sound and they deliver on that front, I genuinely do think I’d like this more if there was something like a black or nixie in both feel and sound with a lighter weighting, but I should just spring swap at that point lol. I do want to do a build with long pole switches, I think those would work well. It’s just that I should really give things more time before messing around with it, and I hate desoldering lol. So this one is on me yes, I have a feeling like other switches might make me more favorable on it (though on other non 60 builds I really do like a well tuned mx black). I was surprised there wasn’t as big of a difference between 35a and 50a oring, while 35a was a bit softer it wasn’t really more bouncy and wasn’t that big of a change, and it also didn’t sound as nice as well, 50a was just more my preference. I did try I think a 70a and that was a bit too much and didn’t really do anything for the sound either, so 50a was the way to go. I’ll have to try top and leaf and see how I feel about that. I think I might have soured a bit on leafspring mounts but I’ll get over that bias and see how it is lol. Right now the deriviative does have the characteristics I appreciate about oring mount, it is nice, and the more I use it the more I like it, but I do think it’s limited by the switches I picked. I do think that vs the typ60 it feels less lively, it’s not as bouncy and the vibration characteristics are more traditional whereas the vibration of the keypress on the typ60 feels more unique and more satisfying to me (it almost has more of an immediate “slap” with a quick trail off whereas the jjw is more the traditional sort of vibration you’d expect from an oring board, not as extreme as something like a plateless oring f1 though which I also enjoy lol)

For the angel I found that linears weren’t really my jam and that it felt more interesting with tactiles (although I only tried a few switches just to check since desoldering sucks lol), the original build is with bolsa corsa and I think that’s a nice match (remind me of more tactile zaku actually, but maybe that’s just the plate doing it’s thing and making it feel more tactile than it is). I like it as is, so I don’t want to dick around with it too much lol

The typ60 was just such a good match with the haimu that other switches didn’t really compare for me. I tried a few, and I didn’t really look back lol

So some notes on the heavy grail, these are going to be longer, but here’s my opinion with just going from stock classic to stock grail:

I think I overall like it, but it’s not exactly like an hhkb, and I’ll get to why. Firstly though I’ll say I’ve tried various hhkb modding and case swaps to try and make an improved hhkb, but it always ended up compromising feel too much for my tastes or it just became something else in a different direction of an hhkb. I finally caved on the norbauer solution because it was his last run of them and it actually looked like there was effort made to improve upon the hhkb design while keeping it in spirit feel wise.

In reality, I think it retains most of the feel of the hhkb, but does deviate in a few main areas:

  1. First thing you notice is that it’s a firmer bottom out, even if you keep the screws a bit looser on the gasket, it’s just going to be a stiffer experience compared to the feel of a stock hhkb. This does make it a bit less bouncy feeling than the hhkb which means it is a slight bit less crisp feeling and a bit more fatiguing over longer periods of time. I think this makes it feel less bubbly in feel almost, but that’s also likely due to the second reason as well.

  2. The tolerances for the plate are tighter, and it also seemingly has a slight bit less vertical travel. This makes it feel more taught and smooth than the stock hhkb, but it also means that it’s not as snappy and defined tactility. It almost feels like a middleground between the unsilenced and silenced versions. The unsilenced almost has a bit of travel at the very top where it’s not in contact with the dome fully so you could slightly pull up on the key and it would just barely go up a bit more, this sort of helped it pop up more in feel, meanwhile the type s feels like at top of keystroke that it’s already pushing down on the domes a bit to where the keypress feels a bit more binary and has less pop to it when it snaps back up. The grail leans closer to the unsilenced but doesn’t have the extra travel, so I think this limits how poppy it can feel, if it was maybe half a mm more travel length I think it would be perfect. But it’s still good, so it’s a change I’m willing to live with for now, I might try and adjust this later on by changing how tightly I screw in the PCB to the plate to slightly lower the domes. For wobble, the grail also sits inbetween the two with the unsilenced having a bit more keywobble and side to side movement within the plate whereas the type s almost feels like it has a more airtight seal and almost a bit more scratch. The grail has it where you get that more almost airtight feeling but not the scratch, so also totally fine with this change in specific

  3. The typing angle feels a bit different, it doesn’t feel as natural as the hhkb, I don’t know the differences off the top of my head, but it’s not drastic, but noticeable. Again also something I can live with, it’s not radically different and while it does make the spacebar a bit more uncomfortable to use since it feels like it’s a bit higher in front height, that’s not something I’d knock it for, it’s still fairly like the height and curve of the hhkb

Overall, I like the feel, I think it’s sort of a nice balance between everything, it’s not as engaging as the hhkb in typing experience, but I do actually type a bit faster on it if it says anything, and I think overall it’s a nice sidegrade maybe slight upgrade depending on preferences. I’ll give it more time to wear in and fine tune the build, I have a feeling with a bit more work this will become my ultimate daily driver over a stock hhkb

Build is an obvious win so I’ll skip over that. Sound wise, I think it’s also an improvement to me. I think it sounds less plasticy and thin vs a stock unsilenced. I don’t think it sounds as good as stock silenced, but I prefer unsilenced in feel and aren’t going to silence this build, so this is more a definite win for me. It’s a bit more roomy without feeling hollow, you can hear more of the dome, and it’s not as loud clack, a bit more muted in comparison.

I haven’t tried aftermarket domes, I do have some various des domes and others that I should try, but every other time I’ve messed around with modding I end up just going back to the stock hhkb domes, especially if they’re aged lol. I don’t like lubed topre.


If you’re still auditioning boards and want to try something else with a lively feel, Salvation is worth a shot. Novelkeys in NA or Salvun in EU. Full price is a little steep but they have sales. Last Nov. it got down to $222 on NK, so I picked one up. It’s nice with a plate, but the real star is plateless, which lets you feel the PCB vibrate significantly. The spacebar also tend to be unearthly somehow.

CK will also have Leviatán extras eventually. That’s a bouncy one. Another bouncy one is the Augur. There may be a single r2 color left. Not sure how they feel. I assume softer. Again, Salvation is more about vibration, I think, but is quite lively.


Oh good to know, that’ll have to be the next one to try then lol. I was a little put off by how much flex some said it had, but for that price that’s reasonable to me lol. What switches would you suggest for a plateless build for it out of curiosity?

Interesting, I assume plateless is the way to go there too lol?

damn, seems like not anymore


Yah streamers highlighted that at the time, but I think they were using the Weirdflex PCB, which has huge flex cuts. I’ve just got a Hiney H60 in my plateless build, which has no cuts. I’m using TTC Aces, which are great switches, but I think a lot could work. This batch is underlubed, and I should have checked, but so be it.

I noticed that the USB port on the Wilba PCB sticks out a little farther than the H60 and probably others, so I don’t get as much vibration on the left side without using a cable with a long connector. It’s not a huge deal but probably a good argument to pick up the Wilba non-flex solderable PCB.

Leviatán is PCB leaf spring, so plateless is the default. There is a plate for sound and feel, if desired, but it’s not part of the mounting.


That’s the beauty of the Salvation, it takes just about any standard 60% PCB so you can get from stiff & slightly bouncy (full plate, all leaf springs installed, non flexcut PCB) to absurdly soft & super bouncy (half plate or plateless, outer two leaf springs not installed, 4 flex cut PCB) builds out of it. It really is the most versatile keyboard I have come across as far the spectrum of feels you can get out of it goes! Sounds really good IMO too & I have mine set up really soft & bouncy. Which usually isn’t to conducive to good sound but it still slaps set up the way I got mine (CarolinaMech FR4 half plate, HADFlex 60 PCB with 4 flex cuts, outer two leaf springs not installed, lubed TX rev.3 stabs, & L+F Pewters).


Oh good to know. I don’t personally like most flex cut pcb’s lol. I’ve also never tried any TTC switches, so that’s also something on the list (along with HMX switches)

Interesting, noted lol


Seems nice

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My current 2 favorites are my heavy grail and now recently, an Iron Alice. I have really fallen for the comfort of the Alice. After several weeks of use, just feels more natural. I have modified Zelios switches on a forged carbon plate… I really wished I also had a PC plate version to compare/contrast. I love the pop of the current setup, but a bit of a finger tip strain with longer sessions.


From the brief times I’ve given alice layouts a try I’ve never really found them all that comfortable to me, but I’ve also never actually lived with one for an extended amount of time, so maybe that is worth a shot again lol.

I think all of this so far is just kinda showing that, for me, there’s not really an upgrade from a stock pro3 with aged pro2 domes lol. So far the closest I’ve gotten to an upgrade from that would be the heavy grail, but only in sound and build, in feel I still like stock better. I’m going to try a few more EC builds (unfortunately got a sho s60 hg in yesterday but it was all scratched and scuffed up on the back) and see how things go there, and if that doesn’t result in what I’m after, I’m just going to stick with the hhkb and never look back anymore lol

I will give a few more 60 mx builds a shot (and rebuild some other builds I’ve got), but I’m kind of tired of doing that lol. I guess I still haven’t tried a plateless or half plate 60 so that’s still on the list (just waiting for the right one, all the ones I’m interested in seem to be absent from the used market)

I do want to experiment more with some tkl builds, I’ve found that I like a larger range of mounting options in TKL (an example, I find top mount on 60s too firm but not on tkl, could be board variance but that was interesting to me that it did seem sort of consistent across boards I’ve tried), so that will kinda be the next step (although I feel like I’ve already found my favorite tkls being a f1-8x v2 plateless oring blacks and jer j80 with vintage blacks, I just want to get one more board that’s maybe hotswap but also just something a bit firmer and more traditional in feel)

What I do particularly like about the Alice is the spit creates an easier to use layered num pad for me… hold left space bar to get to layer, then YUO = 789, HJK=456, BNM=123, Right space = 0, R Alt = “.”, L=+, O=-, etc… Of course the arrow keys are also used in this layer where they are typically in the HHKB. I use Excel quite a bit, and and this keyboard is easiest to use without a real num pad.


Tried a few more, so some brief notes on that:

Hit - Alas 60: Very solid friction oring mount board, only nitpick is that the front height is a bit tall but otherwise it’s a great balance of give and vibration in the board, have it built with hmx cloud switches using the alu plate and 50a oring. This is an awesome feeling daily driver board, I don’t think I like it as much as the typ60 but it’s really close. The big separated brass weights lends it to having both a clacky but also a bit deeper sound, pretty cool (brass weights always tend to seem like a win in sound and sometimes feel for me lol).

Hit - Augur: Wow this one is really interesting, actually the most “bouncy” feeling board I have, and it’s not as flexy as I’d have expected either, really like it, built with an fr4 half plate and jtk hoshizora. It’s likely reaching the point where if it was any more bouncy it would feel excessive, but it rides that line quite well. Pretty impressed, I don’t know if it could be my daily, but absolutely worth the pickup for the experience it offers.

REVISIT - Hit - Derivative: I actually like this board in relief mount more than oring mount with the nixies, it almost feels more lively and less heavy than before, and I like the sound change as well (bit more muted). I did try another build with other switches (sp star meteor gray) and that was a lot more tolerable to me weight wise and paired better with oring mount, although I do think it lost a bit of it’s nuance in keypress vs leaf nixies. Liking it more now, I will really need to spring swap those nixies when I get the chance, I get lazy with desoldering lol. Top mount was a bit too harsh and a bit too much ping for me, leaf mount felt better with the nixies

REVISIT: Neutral/Hit - Nazare: Swapping to hmx sillyworks hyacinth v2u worked out quite well in terms of both sound and feel, you get to feel a bit more of the mount with these switches, and the sound of it is bright and proud and doesn’t feel as limited by the mount design now. Pretty solid overall, although the typing experience doesn’t really pull me in as much as some other boards.

Neutral/Hit - Salvation: Have this with the fr4 plate and blue velvet linears, and I do like it, I think it’s a different typing experience vs the the thermal. I’d say it’s got more flex, and is a bit more muted in feeling in comparison and that lends it to be an imo more dailyable and less harsh and abrupt experience vs the thermal. I don’t think it feels as bouncy as the thermal but it’s something I’d want to use more often for sure. It’s only got the screws in the edges of the pcb rather than a screw in every mounting point. Overall, solid board for the price imo and reasonably unique feel, although I also didn’t find it as special as I was expecting it to be. I have yet to try it plateless, I’ll give that a shot in the coming weeks most likely (just need to grab a spare pcb)

Miss - S60 HG: Well this confirms that I don’t like realforce style topre lol, the build process was bad (felt janky, not that well machined vs other boards I have, and didn’t feel all that solid when together), sound is nothing to write home about, and feel wise it really pales in comparison to the grail or stock hhkb. I did build this with #5 deskeys silencing rings, bke redux v2 and also tried des carrots, and deskeys sliders and housings, and it really just feels like an above average rubber dome board, it doesn’t give me that organicness and bubbly feeling I get from an hhkb. Not a fan. Maybe I’ll throw some oem hhkb domes in there, but I really don’t want to salvage another hhkb to get that, I’d rather just use the stock hhkb lol. I do love how it looks though, but that’s mostly all I have to say, regret this one

There’s still a few more 60s I’d like to try (if you’ve got a seis cero, idb60, kei r2 brass bottom with half plate, sbl with uhmwpe plate, or moontower that you’d want to get rid of, let me know lol), but they’re more just curiosities at this point, I think I’m just going to settle with the heavy grail and pro 3 as my go to 60%s, that’s just what I use the most and want to use the most, so that’s telling enough for me lol.

I think I should just focus on refining my TKLs so I can reach a good point there and then sell off some stuff to recoup some of the costs lol

The leaf springs on the Augur are wild! I’d like to try one some day.

Will be curious how you think the Salvation compares plateless. I think the feel goes more in the direction you’re already describing in amount but with similar character.

I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but I find the Avocado PCB’s USB port sticks out farther than H60 I’m using for plateless. If you find the plug ends up inhibiting movement on the left side with whatever PCB you use, you may want these. They’re ugly but work in a pinch.

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