For a light-medium tactile with pre-travel [e.g. Cherry-style], there aren’t many options.
On one keyboard, I use Everglide Jade. It has a stronger bump than MX Brown, but runs at pretty low weights.
The stock 58.5 G weight is actually a little low for the switch - once you build up enough force to clear the tactile bump, you’re pretty much racing towards the switch bottom. So 60 G 14mm TX is more advisable. But, if you really want some ‘Ergo Clear’ weight behind it, use 62 G Spirit springs.
You need to lube with 3204 to improve the sound [the functioning is fine], especially near the leaf, which is the main culprit. You can’t use the switch in stock form, but lubed it is the best MX light tactile. [Polycarb plate is ideal for this switch.]
Another option I recently discovered is putting Gateron Orange stems in T1 housings using ~60 G L TX springs. It’s definitely comparable to an Ergo Clear, as I’ve tested them side-by-side. But this Orange T1 or T1gerine is sharper, snappier and more authoritative than Ergo Clears. Less chalky and more stable because of Durock housing.
If the Gateron Orange stem isn’t tactile enough for you in the T1 housing, you can instead use an Everglide Jade, MX Brown or Clear or other similar tactile stem.
The new Durock Light Tactile stem doesn’t offer much pretravel, but it’s better than nothing I guess. They work in T1 housings for more force, or you can put them in the Medium Tactile housings, which are good housings. I like to run Pewter stems in Taro Ball Housings at 57 G. It’s a sharper and larger bump than MX Brown, but less pre-travel. I think T1 housings exaggerate pre-travel a bit, so those might be ideal.
If you want a smoother, perhaps better-sounding Ergo Clear, you can put MX Clear stems inside Penguin housings. Penguin is a Durock Medium Tactile that comes unlubed, so that you can do it right. The trick is to only lube the tactile legs (yes, that’s right, tactile legs) on the MX Clear stem, and lube the rest of the switch carefully as normal. You can get away with a 60 G 14mm TX spring here, if you like, or just use the stock 63.5 G spring.
I’ve tested these, and they definitely are smoother and have less “noise” than MX Clear housings, and can be made to sound very good with lubing, filming is not needed as it’s already a tight switch. Although some people film theirs. You can also instead use MX Brown stems, but then it definitely becomes a light tactile.
So it’s either lubed Everglide Jades, maybe with up to 62 G springs for that Ergo Clear weight, or various frankenswitch options. I suppose you could also try Greetech Browns, or TTC Gold Brown V2/V3 which are either heavier Browns, or attempts at Ergo Clears.