Here you can post about the type of switch you are seeking, and hopefully, people will have suggestions for you.
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I’m looking for a Moyu Betty equivalent.
They were Haimu tactiles with 3.5mm travel, 1.8mm actuation, and a delta of only 15gf between initial force and bottom-out. Most importantly, they were clean-sounding from the factory being free from spring ping, leaf noise, and rattle - just tight, snappy clacks.
So far I’ve found other Haimu tactiles with similar characteristics (like the Budgerigar and Sea Salt) but they lack the clean factor having noisy leaves or spring crunch, and I’ve even found switches from other manufacturers that are kind of similar (like the Ajazz Diced Fruit Kiwi) but those have rattly bones.
Anybody else come across any clean, easy-mode, index-y tactiles?
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