Unfinished Projects: What's blocking them?

Did you ever build your RGBKB Pan? That’s a beaut.

I ended up selling the kit at a loss. I barely have time to build and that is a big project.

I also forgot I designed three different PCBs that all need testing and firmware. Time is too tight these days!

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Unfinished projects: Pretty much everything hobby-related.

Cause: Trouble with the house, loads of work and bills because of that, and acute shortage of free time.

(Also the reason why I have not been here for quite some time)


Keeping myself accountable, I realized I had added more projects to my list long ago, but forgot to note it:

  • Build a tentaku mechanical calculator kit I bought on a whim
  • Solder and program my two Uno for my surprise project I can’t talk about.

As for what’s blocking it all, it sure would be nice to have a workbench (I hear you, @ddrfraser1!), I need to spend time to organize and clean up my supplies, and I really need to find my soldering iron and buy some appropriate solder.


Yes! I built far too many keyboards on a crappy fold out table. Invest in a good work bench. Make it your zen area. I now use mine for all kinds of other projects. It’s great.

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I am so guilty of this too :laughing:

You guys have tables? I do it on the carpet in my pajamas.


I have a work bench but it’s in the garage and it gets dusty. Also…it’s winter and cold. So I usually end up building on my kitchen table.

What’s blocking my projects is waiting for switches. I always hope the next switches I order will be THE switches for my board… but they never are. I have 5 unbuilt sets because of this hesitation :frowning:

Oh man, I feel you there. I end up using switches that I like, but don’t love, just to finish builds. “Eh, I’ll build this with Durock L3s because they are pretty good and I know I won’t hate it.”

Leading to a lot of boards feeling the same.

Coincidentally, I just built a Cora keyboard kit from Play Keyboards with Durock L3s an hour ago because I didn’t feel like doing all the sound tuning required for tactile switches. I knew the L3s would sounds good, and they do. But now I have yet another somewhat boring, but pleasant board.


Ha. Love this. Good to know I’m not alone.

I know exactly what you mean…

But I came to the conclusion that switches are like music, or whisky, or colours.
What I love one day may feel ok-ish at best another day.

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-Monon60 because i need to buy another PCB and more cherry stabs. And keycaps. I have a good idea of what theme i want to go for but it requires 2 sets of Keycaps.

-I’m struggling with CAD programs for my project of making an open source gasket mount alu case for the BM series keyboards.
-I also need to find good CnC’ing and injection molding services locally so i can get some keyboard projects made.
-money to get more stuff. :smiley:

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Only have one - a blue WK vast60. Reason? gonna try sell it to get the pvd kbd67, if not the only switches i have left are tactiles and i’ve had enough of tactiles, need to decide whether to go silent or not.