[US-MI] [H] Kiwis, Gateron Robins, NCR-80, Jetvan [W] PayPal

Timestamp: Mechmarket, 2024-08-18 - Album on Imgur
Updated TS, that is my Reddit name (SentientFly)
Unless noted, prices include shipping. CONUS only. Switches/keycaps ship in baggies.

Switch Price
TTC Brown (from what I can tell) - x91, stock. Never used. (TTC Brown - Album on Imgur) $20
Gateron Robins 62g - x83, were desoldered from a build using HAKKO Desoldering Gun $30
Kiwis - x99. Stock, replacement batch from 2021, used once for a sound test. $40
Board Price
NCR80 - Should be R2, but they sent me R2 kit with R3 PCB. It’s missing a hotswap socket but works fine. Comes with the LEDs $60
Jetvan - white, plastic case. Small ding on it. Solder PCB. $40

Cross-posted to r/mechmarket as well

Edit: 2024/08/23 - updated with what I have left for sale and removed previous items that sold via r/mm