[Vendor] U4 Thocks, Gateron Cap Yellows, Hyperglides and more - 3DKeebs.com

Happy Holidays Keebfam!

I hope everyone is well, please take care of yourself, and each other! Gotta Few Highlights and then the normal inventory Updates! Important stuff is in the first line :slight_smile:

Please consider getting in on the Winter Wonderland Deskmat - ALL PROFITS are being donated to various charities (vendor chosen)

Gazzew U4 Thocks - 10/$6

Gazzew’s U4 thocks are a tactile dream and are now available - if you like the u4 boba’s but wanted a non silent version, these await your wallet my friend.

I am #tactilegang so I am in love. If you are looking for a nice deep pitched tactile, look no further. As a member of this community I am big hype about these ( so much so, I may have skimmed 120 off the top, don’t tell my bawse)

Gateron Cap Milky Yellows - 35/$13

Gateron cap milky yellow linear switches are now available - they are Gateron’s latest switch revision.

Check the shop link for a couple review vids and sound tests. They come in really nice switch holder cases (Someone tell Gateron to sell the cases stand-alone, k thanks) - my initial thoughts are they are smooth (they are pre-lubed), and deeper pitched than regular milky yellows.

Cherry MX Black Hyperglides GB - 10/$5

The cherry mx black has new molds, and hopefully with new molds comes a new round of smoothness. Group Buy is live unti l 1/20/2021

Get in where you fit in, save a few pennies. We are at 40% of our MOQ goal (48K) within the first week so lets keep it strong yall!!

If you in Canada please Hit up Alphakeys.Ca for the order!

Inventory Run Down

12 Days of Keebmas

Right Now, as I type Kiwi Kang is streaming for our 10th Day of Keebmas - there is a Giveaway happening! ALL in support of BC Children’s Hospital - Check the Details in the Link Below - THERE WILL BE TONS OF GIVEAWAYS HAPPENING ON CHRISTMAS!!!

Alright That’s enough. I type-yelled enough. Thanks for everyone’s support. This community is amazeballs.



U4 Thocks AND hyperglides?? my wallet is aching


Hey. Do the thocks use a unique stem or are they the silent stems without dampeners added?

always love buying from ya Davis! can’t wait for the u4 thocks to come, they sounded really good on stream today.

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Precisley, there is a longer center pole, and no silencer - there is an ok pic on the site

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oh buddddy thank you! im counting these switches now! lol

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Gazzew U4 Thocks



Ordered 90. Thanks.

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So bummed I missed out on the U4 Thocks.

whoa, these are pretty stellar switches! When do you plan to restock. I’ve got to imagine these will be very popular. Love the tactility. Perfect amount to notice the bump but not feel like it catches!

I put these in my U-80 today. First typing attempt was 123wpm. I average 90-100wpm. Nice. These are fast and cripsy.


I definitely want a pile of these – missed out as well.

Coming back very soon ( next couple weeks hopefully) key your eye on 3Dkeebs.com and ringerkeys.com

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I threw some 62g in my fjell and they feel great, they went really fast and have gotten great reception! I hope to have them back in stock in the next couple weeks, they are enroute to Gazzew right now.


If you would be willing to give us a shout when you restock, I would happily pick some up. Or if you have another regular channel of communication I’m all ears.

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my discord gets the updates first but i have a special affinity for you wholesome people on keebtalk - I will be sure to let you know as soon as they restock - my discord is 3DKeebs


Thanks, I appreciate it.