Got my Brinehammer Fugu & Bigu in from Nightcaps, then got 2 jars of 206g0 (they sent the right product this time!) & the new keycap puller from Wuque in from Dangkeebs! The keycap puller isn’t as easy to fit into tight boards as I was hoping unfortunately. Although I think I can modify it to make it work the way I want it too. It’s looking like if I bend the legs back to being straight & throw some pieces of tape on the outside it’ll be great for tight boards. Will report back when I get around to messing with it.
No picture again, but my Pixel Buds Pro 2 came in today. First pair of good, wireless earbuds I’ve ever owned (I’ve always gone cheap on them since I don’t use them often); but started working out again, and needed a nice pair for at the gym and when doing chores around the house. Quite happy with them.
Got my haul of child kits for KKB Skidata neo in today & unfortunately KKB missed the mark on matching GMK’s colors. Looks like I’m gonna have to pick up the KKB base now too. They not super far off on the colors, but the colors KKB used are a bit darker & just enough to stand out from each other. I added some comparison pics, GMK on the left, KKB on the right.
Hmm. I like the dark gray they used. But yea, the orange seems a bit too dark.
Still probably a nice set on its own. Thanks for sharing pics.
Yeah the dark grey is closer to N9 than the orange is to V2, although I really couldn’t capture the difference in the greys to well in the pics. The KKB keys are noticeably darker side by side & would definitely stand out if I used the R5 KKB kit with the rest GMK as an example. I knew I was rolling the dice hoping they’d match close enough to be able to mix, so I’m not mad or calling out KKB. Just wanted to give people a heads up cause a few people I talked to about this set wanted to try to match the child kits with their GMK base also.
Very interesting. I closely watched that GB.
Please keep us posted on how the whole set looks.
I wonder if KKB will try a ‘Skidolcha’ set next.
Got my batches of BSUN Jade Roselles & HMX Gachapons in today! Both seem to be very good switches. The BSUNs are extra interesting to me since they have a thickened bottom housing which gives them a pretty deep sound. The Gachapons are pretty deep sounding for HMX too. Both have great factory lubing & very tight fitting housings so they definitely can be used stock. Probably gonna try them out in a HS board later, will report back on how the perform.
The second from the right is really stunning! Nice
Got my Keebmats in today! The virgo one fits it perfectly & they even threw in some bumpons for the wrist rest! The free coasters are a nice touch also!
Love my keebmats, and the coasters live on my desk and get plenty of use.
- GMK Mictlan Papel Picado
- The PCB I designed as a replacement for the default Klor PCB that uses Xiao controllers and has a diode cluster. I’m waiting until the parts of the sandwich case arrive to build though because I want to see if the TRRS and reset switch fit correctly in the case.
I’m debating putting Mictlan on another of my KA2s or saving it for Klor build.
Model OLED
I’ve been very curious about an MX build with a curved plate. Prototypist had 35% off all in stock items, so I got it for a $200 discount!
First planned build is roller linears with R3 SA caps.
It looks just like I had imagined. I like it, although I do wish they would have rounded the top and side edges a bit.
Late pics of Christmas gifts from my wife.
KBDFans Chemical-001 on Boston with Burnt Titanium 3D printed case.
FBB BAOZAOYINGYE I dont really have anything to mount them on so this is the stock photo
Lots of stuff in the mail. Keycaps and switches mostly. Of interest:
Solid linear stock choice. They remind me a lot of HMX Purple Dawn. Side by side they are a TEEENY bit deeper. Decently long spring (21mm), but could stand to be slightly heavier (like most Unikeys offerings)
First time I’ve had an HMX silent switch. Very silmilar in performace to the Lichix offerings (Yogurt and Lucy). I think these might have a bit more travel. They have some quiet plastic noise stock, but are virtually silent when lubed. Could be a top contender for silent linear. I enjoy the bottom out feel on these.
Love the color scheme (main reason I purchased). They are NOT kidding when they write “through the roof clacky.” These are meme-level clacky. Similar to the sound of something like the Sunset Gleam, but the typing feel is not quite as harsh.
Guess who’s back, back again.
- Eweadn ChunXiao made by LCET. I’ve been fanboying LCET lately. Those are super smooth, despite being from a “reject” bag. The lube is a little inconsistent because of that, but that’s an easy fix. According to Eweadn, they have POM+UPE stems and PA66 housings. I’d even put them in a build, if i had a keyboard to put them in. I need to buy more.
- Long Hua Black. These could either be old Kailh before they Split up, new Kailh using their old Nameplate (they also came out with a few other, new Long Hua switches recently.) or they could be actual HCNHK (company that’s the other half of old Kailh from when they split and still called Long Hua, afaik.) They’re about on par with MX Blacks. Nothing noteworthy otherwise.
- Purple POM+LY LCET stems. I can’t measure them right now because the battery in my caliper is empty, but i’d assume 13.5mm. They are using new molds and are really damn smooth.
- Pink POM LCET stems. Also new molds and really smooth, and i assume they are 13.5mm aswell.
All the Cherry MX variants available today have left me in need of some info.
Are the Cherry MX Ergo Clear using the MX2A design, as Cherry MX Purple does?
I wasn’t clear on whether both are on the new MX2A platform, or just MX Purple. Theremingoat’s review suggests that Purple feels almost identical to MX Ergo Clear.
My own very limited testing of samples on acrylic tester indicates that MX Purple is basically MX Ergo Clear on very slightly cleaner molds.
They do make ergo clears/clears with MX2A tooling, but they are RGB versions (clear top/milky bottom). I can’t find anywhere selling the black housing ergo clears/clears that state they are MX2As. So I’d assume most if not all of the black housing ergo clears/clears in the wild right now are made from the older tooling till I see them advertised as MX2A.
Got my base kit of KKB Skidata Neo & a Kobayashi Faucted Eggface in this week! Also got some really good news from Divinikey, not only is KKB gonna send me the missing left arrow from my Skidata Alert kit (it came with 2 right arrows). They are also gonna send me the dark RGB kit my Gigachad set was missing & the missing Fn key my Gigachild set was missing! Which is super cool of both companies since I bought Giachad/Gigachild quite some time ago.
Although I really do wish KKB would get their sorting together as them sending out kits with missing or repeated keys is a pretty regular issue I’m finding out. While they are willing to make it right on their dime, it makes it hard to recommend them. I’ve got 4 different sets from KKB & 2 of them had missing/repeated keys. 50/50 with such a small sample size is pretty bad IMO. Other than that though I have no complaints about KKB caps. They’re very high quality, their kerning is on point, & they do a pretty good job with color matching. So I would recommend them to anyone looking at a set, just with the caveat that you might have to get some replacement keys from them since their sorting isn’t too hot.