What did you get in the mail today? (Part 1)

Sounds sweet indeed, exactly what I like.

Are they really a long stem??

Снимок экрана 2023-01-24 000748
Снимок экрана 2023-01-24 000757

I did find one issue after posting. I noticed that if I press on the bottom edge of the keycap and wobble it back and forth when fully depressed I get a high pitched tick. If I hold it up to my ear while pressing quickly I can sometimes hear it in the keypress like a rattle. I can’t hear it from normal typing distance.

I experimented. Added films, removed the diffuser, lubed the spring. nothing seemed to help. Then I figured out what was happening. It was the section just above the legs (the box area of the stem below the cruciform) hitting against the contact leaf. I put a swipe of 205g0 on the stem there and it silenced the problem. Because of that, I’ll probably end up opening all of these and lubing that section while I spring swap.


Verses a cream launch edition stem

I’m working on getting some calipers for measurements, but they appear to be the same length as cream stems if not slightly longer.

They apparently modified the bottom housing to allow full travel

I’m guessing that they won’t help to fix GMK interference with South facing switches because the travel isn’t shortened, but I’ll check that later, too.


My lotus will go to me at the time of two or three weeks.
I bought two kinds. 80 grams and 63.

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If you get yours and notice the chirp, here’s what I did

I’ve done it on 4 switches and it worked for all of them so far. I remember having a similar issue with my second batch of H1 switches. I had to desolder a board of those because it bothered me so much. I never tried to fix them.


I always lubricate so))) all switches. I wouldn’t have noticed.


Data pad came in today :sunglasses:
Fits Norbaforce profile perfectly


Just infuriating. :joy:


Cherry MX Ergo



Half-priced Xiami set from PovertyKeys. These are even thicker than CRP set shown at above. Chonky!

I now have 4 Xiami keysets (orange and red Cyrillic, blue Hangul, and gray Cadet) and looking to add more (Hebrew likely). Highly recommended if you’re into thick PBT keycaps.


I’ve got a problem now with these switches. After lubing with 205g0 they are the best switches I’ve ever used. I was going to put them in my Frog TKL but it doesn’t have backlighting, so the cool diffuser is wasted. They look sick in one of my hotswap 60% with polycarbonate keycaps.

The problem? I have all these switches sitting around that I’ve been needing to lube or film or spring swap or all 3, but now I wonder if I should sell them and get more black lotus!


Wow, that’s strong praise, Pixel. Might need to get a batch now :slight_smile:


Unlubed, the high pitch tick on wobble is annoying to the point I wasn’t going to use them. Tub lubed with 205g0, they are exceptional. I think I’ll keep them in a hotswap board for a few months to see if the tick comes back.


I went to snag some after your initial post but DK was down to three packs - I grabbed one just to try them - might have to grab more when they restock >.>


Finally arrived today from my proxy, June 1984 IBM Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly (P/N 1351000) - IBM Model M genesis!

I think this is the earliest Model M/Model M-based/membrane buckling spring keyboard I’ve seen, and it’s a beauty! Includes typical early Model M and Wheelwriter/Quietwriter keyboard assembly perks such as rainbow plate, ‘cushionless’ pivot plates and factory-fitted O-rings. Plus, all rivets are intact! It was the keyboard assembly for the IBM Wheelwriter 5 electronic typewriter, which alongside the Wheelwriter 3 and Quietwriter 7 were collectively the first vessels of the Model M design when they were released in the latter half of 1984.


I got me some of the new switches from XMI,
or The Erland’s as we in the SWE-community like to call them.
They feel really nice in the hand and feels and sounds a bit similar to Box Ink Pink just as I hoped for.:ok_hand:

Also got me some 55g 2-stage springs, but now I’m not sure if I want to switch them.
Also got some films, but they seems to be tight AF soo… :no_mouth:

A package from LEGO also arrived. :yum:


Today I recieved my order of Key Kobo BoW from NovelKeys_
They are pretty nice but my order was missing the Stepped Caps Lock key, which sucks because most of my boards are built with a stepped caps. I contacted NK about this so now I’ll wait.
More pictures and comparison to GMK Below.


The legends are thinner than GMK which I actually prefer but I believe this causes some inconsistencies in the legends.

You can see in the Enter and Backspace keys what I mean. Not all the legends have the same thicknesses.

I think the “e” letters have it the worst.

The Key Kobo keys seem to be ever so slightly thicker than GMK which is nice to see. Unfortunately the batter on my caliper died so I don’t know the exact thickness of either key cap.

Overall I’m pretty happy with these keycaps. They feel nice and for the most part they look great. Not too bad considering the whole thing only cost $99 USD.


Got myself a kinesis 360 pro


Received my VGN Futurewave switches today. They appear to be Outemu, as the molds are almost identical to my cream pink Outemus. They have long pole stems and come with a longer spring and factory lube. Haven’t tested them in a build yet, but they seem to be quite nice in the hands. Very nice even, looking at the <15$ price.