What functions and keycaps do you like assigning to the "extra keys" on a 65% layout?

So here’s an inconsequential discussion - on a 65% layout, there is typically a column of two-four “extra keys” adjacent to the main cluster. What are your personal preferences in utilizing these “extra keys”?

On my NK65, I have that column mapped to volume up, volume down, play/pause, and screenshot. If the keycap set supports it, I like to have page up and page down on the top two slots (to further support the mental model) and usually whichever R3 and R4 keycaps I can find for the bottom two.


For me the most important keys to have are Ins and Del, because I use them for copying and pasting text (ctrl+c and ctrl+v having different meaning on Unix systems). This is one reason why I will never be able to use any Mac keyboards or laptops. Next in priority are PgUp and PgDown, so that I can scroll documents with one hand when reading them.


I use a split backspace on nearly every board so that I can get delete, usually I will put page up and page down and my FN key over there, but I kept asking myself this question and eventually decided that there is not really any reason for me to use 65% because I don’t need those keys and really stopped buying that form factor.


Tilde/backquote + home + pg up + pg dn. Somewhat standard, but obviates the need to use a mouse for a few, frequent navigation tasks. FN layer controls volume. (I’m on a Mac.)


For me, it’s Home, PgUp, PgDn, End. I use the 65% layout at work where I spend something like 3/4 of my time scrolling through PDFs to inspect them for various criteria and consistency. (GMK Prepress was made for me)

Being able to jump to the top and bottom of a document in one key as well as go back and forward one page at a time (while otherwise saving a ton of desk space) is perfect for my use-case.


For me, I have home, vol up, vol down, and mute! Good to have quick and easy volume controls, and if i need anything else it’ll find itself in the second layer.


I don’t own a 65%, but I’d probably do the dame as for my 1800 layout (the 4 keys on top of numpad): home, end, pgup, pgdown.

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Delete. Pg up, Pg down, then Fn for me on my 65%s.


Same for me. Del, Page Up, page Down, function.

PgUp and PgDn I use a lot when browsing but Home and End more often for coding. So FN+PgUp is Home and Fn+PgDn is end. FN + Del is set to Insert but I never use it.


This is the way :point_up_2:


If I’m not using a split spacebar or spaceFn, then: Del, Home, End, FN. Otherwise that column is dead to me, and can be whatever floats the board’s boat.