What is on your desk today?

My Liminal on the hotel/quarantine work desk.


If Atlantis were a modern city, I’d expect to find something like this on a desk or two there.

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Tried one of these out for the first time at my neighbor’s house. Nice weight, hard to type on the profile and with blanked out keys. Still neat though.


You’ve always got such great descriptions for stuff

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Ha, thanks! I understand the world through metaphor and simile.

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Kbd8x mkii
Brass plate and brass back weight
Alpaca 62g linears lubed with Krytox 205g0 and filmed with tx pink films
Durock stabilizers lubed
GMK 9009 R3


This was a build that just worked. Not a lot of forethought went into this. I was just bored, had a lot of ingredients laying around and this is what came out. Didn’t even know what keycaps I was gonna use til 10 minutes ago.

Ducky Shine 7 with lubed hako clears, lubed stabs, tire balance weights added to case for extra heft and sound and drawer liner on the inside. I give it a 9.5 out of 10 just because the switches feel excellent but not amazing. Very enjoyable to type on.

The bottom of the case is black, I think I’ll spray paint it white.

Edit: aaaand my wife just stole it. Not joking. Sigh… at least I get my BKE modded realforce back. :smirk:


Honeywell with the teal accents!

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Too bad your wife just stole it. I was thinking about buying it off you!

Is that the gray Ducky case? I always thought Honeywell would look great on it. Originative still owes me a set of Turf Green accents, because of some mistake at the factory.

Haha, I’m happy to let her have it as long as I get to use it for a while :smiley: It’s the Ducky Shine 7. I’m pretty sure it’s a cast zinc top (so pretty epic) and a black plastic bottom.

These caps were actually a Christmas present from her but they didn’t arrive til June or July I think so yeah, caps from Originative can take forever especially if they screw something up.

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It kills me that you did this first, as clearly Ducky has the right colours for Honeywell.

I wasn’t smart enough to go for teal, even though it was so compelling. The Turf Green accents I’m supposed to get are intended for a black board.

[Yeah, I ordered them in December, too, and in June I got an e-mail from OcO “Sorry we screwed up so we’ll have to ship all the Turf Green accents later.”]

The stopping block for me on that build are the Hako Clears. I think I tested them, but found them heavy. Are those stock?

I like medium to medium heavy switches, especially if they are linear or lightly tactile like these are. The springs are stock but everything is lubed.

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WFH Lunch


Taking the green theme on step further. :joy::+1:


Ha! Didn’t even think about it like that. What can I say, trying to get healthier. I gave up eating flesh Halloween 2018. Still eat the unborn though. If I could just kick ice cream and cheese…

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You confused the daylight out of me, that’s for sure :sweat_smile:

I sketched the layout of a keycap showbox (a box for storing and displaying keycaps) for all 104 keycaps of a standard keyboard.


I keep coming back to the Grid 600 (DZ60 with 67g Zealios and GMK Jamón). I did a lot of experimenting with different modules, but I think I’ve settled on this as the final form of this particular board. Still love that LED strip.


dude that’s awesome