What Stabilizer/Stabilizers Does Everyone Use, & Why?

So, I was having trouble picking out stabilizers recently for a board I’m about to buy and I realized that, just like switches, there is so many good options out there now like tx, gateron screw in, owlabs, etc. and so I thought about asking you guys why you choose to use the stabilizers you use, whether it’s because they’re cheap, accessible, or high quality, and other reasons.


In the two boards I just built, i went with the TX AP rev 4 stabs. Pretty happen with them.


I’ve mainly been using TX Stabs and Gateron clip ins. They’re easy to tune compared to Durock/JWK screw ins but instead of using Gateron wires, I like to replace it with my spare JWK wires cause of how straight they are. TX Stabs mostly for 1.2mm PCBs, sometimes 1.6mm if I’m putting it on a board that feels special. Gateron clip ins for alice layout builds or if I ran out of TX Stabs.


I’ve had the easiest time getting longest lasting results with TX Rev 3. Haven’t tried AP yet, but I have some. I like them as crisp feeling as possible without ping or rattle, and I’ve been able to achieve that with minimal effort using dielectric on the wire and a thin brushing of 205g0 in the housings. They aren’t popular now, but I’ve also had good results with Durock screw ins. I have a lot of Cherry clip-ins, but the ones I’ve used were my first stabs, and I did a strange job of them. They’re due to be replaced. That’s on me, though.