Which Lube for Switch Lube: An updated guide on the what, how, and where of switch lubricants

Alright, thanks. I just have a reddit thread in mind, that the krytox 205g0 looked vastly different in comparsion.

I do bag lube with 205g0 and have had good results. I probably over-lube, but I put a lot in and Iā€™ve been using the same bag for quite some time so there is always a bunch of residual in there from the last batch.

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How big is your bag and whatā€™s your ratio of oil to springs? Iā€™ve personally been happy with my spring bag oil technique. Itā€™s a little ziploc type about 2in by 1in. I do about 500:1ml spring to oil ratio if I recall correctly.

Alright, thanks. I just have a reddit thread in mind, that the krytox 205g0 looked vastly different in comparsion.

Oh yeah. I think thatā€™s why StoreUni added 205g0S which just has more 105 oil added. I tried both 205g0 and 205g0S from StoreUni and there wasnā€™t any difference in feel during use. But you should go with whatever you feel more comfortable with. I donā€™t think the price difference matters much unless you lube for a living.

Re bag lubed springs pinging, Iā€™ve been running that recently. Iā€™m going to try relubing some springs using thicker lube to see if that helps.

I like to bag lube my springs since Iā€™m so anal about how I lube all the other parts. Iā€™ve found you want to go heavy with the lube & try to reuse the same bag for as long as possible. Although I should mention I only ever use oils for my springs (107, 106, 105, TX synth. paraffin, 1514, etc.) so going heavy isnā€™t a huge issue. Doing it this way I have never had much issue with spring ping, but I do also use plate foam/sorbothane struts & case foam on almost all my build nowadays. So Iā€™m sure thatā€™s helping some to beyond just the lube.


Nice to hear thicker oil can be used. I was using 1514 and 103 but Iā€™ll try 105 or 106 in future builds. Iā€™m relubing the Mauve board with 205g0 so Iā€™ll just touch up spring ends with the same while at it.

As to why Iā€™m re-lubing Mauve, 3204 lubed Mauve was nice in the beginning but it didnā€™t sound pleasant after awhile.

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Yeah Iā€™ve found heavier oils to work better than light ones on springs, while still keeping them from getting that slightly sluggish feel I find grease on springs gives. Kinda a win win IMO, but everybodyā€™s preferences are different so try it on a few before commiting to a whole batch to make sure you like feel.


Yeah Iā€™ve tried 104 but in my memory it didnā€™t remove as much noise as Iā€™d like. 106 seems to be the sweet spot for me where I donā€™t get any unwanted movement issues but it dampens the spring noise quite well. Plus oil is easier to work with than grease and it evenly coats the springs in a bag.

Like Rob, I reuse my bag so itā€™s kind of got an overall coating of oil before I add more.

I also wipe each spring along the side of the bag to ensure itā€™s been properly coated as well.


Looks cool.

Does anyone know whether storeuni closed their shop? I canā€™t reach their website.

Also does anyone have experience with the different Speclub offerings of Krytox? There are listings explicitly for switches while there are also generic Krytox 205 offerings. The generic option is way cheaper but I donā€™t know if there is a catch yet. Yesterday I asked them whether the generic 205 option is grade 0. If it is I donā€™t see a problem in just getting that instead of the more expensive mixtures specifically for keyboards.

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^is their new store.

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The generic listings are usually for grade 2 Krytox grease which needs to be thinned with Krytox oil to be used with switches. Also most of that stuff is just marketing speil as far as I can tell. I do believe Tribosys was made for switch lubing, but its really not a special mix or anything. In fact itā€™s supposed to be single product so no worry of separation. 3204 is supposed to be the equivalent of GPL205G0 & 3203 the equivalent of 204G0 I believe. IRL they are both a little less viscous than their Krytox counterparts.


I can confirm that 3204 and 204g0 are the same in effect. 204g0 looks thicker and seems to separate faster but how they feel and sound is the same. Ditto for 3203/203g0. To match viscosity, get the g00 version of each.

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Ok so I was one too high on the Krytox side. 3204 is equivalent to 204G0 & 3203 is equivalent to 203G0, not 205G0 & 204G0. That explains why I thought they were much thicker than their counterparts, thanks for the heads up bud!

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NP. I also got oil versions of each g0 grade grease with plan to mix for desired viscosity but they werenā€™t needed so I ended using them for bag lubing springs.

Re my separate faster comment, I meant in the jar, not in the switch. I have not noticed any lube separation in the switch.

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Thanks for all the answers! Definitely clearing some things up here.

I have another question, though: When applied and broken in grease and oil (of the same type, 105/205 i.e.) should feel/work exactly the same, right?
I ask because I am a lazy ass and bag lube my stems which is easier with oil. But Iā€™m also a sucker for buttery smooth and thocky linears for which 205g0 is the recommendation to go. Will 105ing my stems give me the same end result?

EDIT: Guess Iā€™ll go with 205g00. Seems to be the best of both worlds for me.

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All is not lost even if you bag lube. Just wipe off bottom edges of stem sliders (shown in red color below) with a tissue before inserting each stem into the switch. Shouldnā€™t take more than a second.

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I already did bag lube two of my boards worth of stems and didnā€™t wipe the bottom of the stems. So far I havenā€™t recognized any problems or any difference to my brush lubed board.
What exactly does wiping the stems there achieve?

Lube dampens bottom out sound. Thicker the lube, more it dampens. I frankly donā€™t think the difference matters unless you are, like me, really into how keyboard sounds.

Donā€™t take my word for it. Test some switches, some with lube at the bottom, some without and see if they sound different. Who knows? You may like the sound of lubed bottom more than dry bottom. :slight_smile:

FYI: Switches with tipped stem, like Holy Panda and Cream, bottom out on the tip so it wonā€™t matter if theyā€™re bag lubed or not.