WTB Norbaforce 87u breakout PCB

I have a Norbaforce coming that includes a Realforce R2 breakout PCB, but I’m looking to pick up an 87u (R1 Realforce) PCB as well.

Let me know if you guys happen to have one you would be willing to sell.


I may have one that came with my mk II norbaforce, I’ll make sure to look around after work today and let you know!

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I sold a Norbaforce with a 87u breakout board to a person on r/mm. They had the opposite problem, and needed an R2 breakout (and eventually sourced one). I can try and reach out to or connect you with that person.

side note, I’d love to buy a plastic 87u case if you have a spare one


Nice. Do you have their Reddit username? Maybe send it in a private message to me on here?

sorry for the late followup, but no luck. Hope you can find one!

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No luck yet but hopefully one will turn up.