About the Classifieds category

The classifieds are for members to offer individual items for sale or trade to the community.

  • Please review our site rules.
  • This classifieds section will use modified MechMarket rules. You can view their post rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mechmarket/wiki/rules/rules
  • The following exceptions apply:
    • Heatware isn’t required, but it is strongly encouraged.
    • You don’t need an asking price for your item(s).
    • Bidding / auctions / best offers are allowed.
    • Cross posting / linking from other sites is allowed.
    • 72 hour wait period between bumps.
    • Group buy spots can be sold and bought here.
    • Your account must be 20 days old to participate unless you join within 30 days of forum creation.
  • Caveat emptor. Mods will do everything they can to police this area and remove scammers, but your due diligence is the best protection. Message mods if you suspect a scam or have been scammed.
  • Keebtalk is not liable for any losses you incur while using the classifieds section.

@Keymaster @norbauer

  • If we want to add heatware to our account how can we do this?

  • Is there/will there be a trade confirmation process?

  • Is there/will there be a trade flair of some sort similar to mechmarket and geekhack?

  • Timestamp rules are same as mechmarket? (Must have handwritten username & date, must be no more than 14 days old)

  • Is there a plan to utilize the Universal Scammer List from Reddit?

  • Selling items not related to mechanical keyboards - is this allowed or no?

  • Should we follow the same [US-IL][H] items [W] other items, PayPal format?


Hello @brianjking

Thank you for bringing up all of those points!

If we want to add heatware to our account how can we do this?

This is something we will start looking into, but for now the best bet would to link your heatwave when you sell.

Is there/will there be a trade confirmation process?

This is something that we have been discussing internally, and I will update how we tackle this when we have reached a consensus.

Is there/will there be a trade flair of some sort similar to mechmarket and geekhack?

I want to implement something like this in the near future, but right now I have no estimates on how long this may take. I’ll try to work on it for you all to help facilitate the classifieds.

Timestamp rules are same as mechmarket? (Must have handwritten username & date, must be no more than 14 days old)

Yup! The classified rules currently follow the Mechmarket rules aside from the stated exceptions.

Is there a plan to utilize the Universal Scammer List from Reddit?

At the moment there is no plan, but I will start drafting one. At the moment we recommend people that they practice due diligence for their best protection.

Selling items not related to mechanical keyboards - is this allowed or no?

Only items related to mechanical keyboards are allowed to be sold.

Should we follow the same [US-IL][H] items [W] other items, PayPal format?


Thank you for all of these questions. They are great and we are still constantly working on improving the site and all of the various sections. These questions served as great feedback and I’ll get working to address everything I can as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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@Manofinterests @norbauer

How is Keebtalk handling classifieds threads once all of the items in a post are sold/traded/purchased? You can see an example here.

  • Are we supposed to edit the title to [US-IL][H]Nothing[W] Nothing?
  • What about the body of the post if we’re editing the title? Should the contents be deleted or what?
  • If we have new items to sell/trade/purchase are we supposed to update our 1 thread title & body content and bump it with a reply?
    • What are we supposed to do with the content from the items we’ve sold/traded/purchased in the original thread (see above comment).
  • What about [Artisan] posts such as my HHKB Metal Stickers threads I post on /r/mechmarket.

We’re sort of intentionally procrastinating on some of these decisions because we want to leave at lot of it in the purview of the moderator(s) who will be in charge of looking after the marketplace. We want the mods to work with each other and community members to form a consensus about what features and rules we should have for Marketplace activity, rather than just imposing guidelines by fiat on that before they’ve even gotten started. So sit tight; a lot of these things will be hammered out in the coming days. We processed a lot of moderator applications earlier this week and had a board meeting to discuss all the details last night and vote on finalists. We’re getting very close.